DNA Test

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Ride Or Die
Part 28

Monday Morning ;

Damien P.O.V

Today's the day I get a DNA test on Dj.

Dj; Umm ... Whats gonna happen if I'm not your son *looks at his shoes*

Damien; I'll still love you no matter what

Dj; Are we gonna be together

Damien; Somewhat, probably on weekends

Dj; Oh ...

We got in the car heading to the hospital, we pulled up & saw jayden outside waiting

We got out & walked up to her

Dj; Hi Mommy

Jayden; Hi Baby

Damien; Hey ..

Jayden; Moment of truth *rolls eyes*

Damien; Listen Can we talk please ?

Jayden; Maybe, after this ..

We walked inside waiting on , the doctor to say our names

Doctor; Mrs.Perez

We stood up & walked into a room

Nurse; Take the q-tip & swipe all around your mouth . Call when you are done

Me & Dj both started swiping our mouths. Dj made funny faces while doing it

Jayden; *laughs* Stop Dj ..

The nurse came back , taking them. Jayden held in her laugh , Dj was kicking his feet waiting on the results.

Jayden; Think I'm gonna go in the hallway when they come in

Dj; Don't you want to know if I'm his kid

Jayden; *sighs* To be honest Dj, I'm scared... I just hope it ends well ...

Damien; 😪

- 05 minutes later ;

The doctor came back in, Jayden walked out

Damien; What is it Doc ?

Doctor; Damien Julian Martinez , You Are ...


Yn P.O.V

Woah , I got my baby back. I'm at his house now ... Yes Jacob.. We just did some things ..

Yn; So were together right ?

Prince; You ask to many questions .

Yn; Just asking ..

His phone started ringing & It was Jayden ..

He put it on speaker

Convo ;

Prince; Hello?

Jayden; Hey Sweetie ...

Prince; Hey , how's the thing ?

Jayden; I don't know , I walked out .. I'm scared

Prince; Honey, it will be fine..

Jayden; So what are you doing ?

Prince; Just sitting here

Yn; Prince, i need shampoo

Jayden; O.O Y-Yn ?

Prince; O.O Babe it's not what ( Gco )

She must have hung up,

Prince; Your kidding right ?!

Yn; What ? .-. I need shampoo

Prince; Jayden's gonna hate me .-.

Yn; So you were mine first

Prince; I know , but I promised not to hurt her ..

Yn; Okay ? Still mine first ...

Prince; *sighs* You don't get it ..


Jayden's P.O.V

He cheated on me ... He seriously did .. He promised too .. I can't take this

Damien & Dj walked out ..

Jayden; *stands up* What happened ?

Dj; Uhh ...

Jayden; Wait , Damien what happened ?

Damien; he's not ...

Jayden; He's not what ?!

Damien; He's not Dominic's son ! *dances*

Jayden: Omg *hugs damien* Thank god

Dj; Can we be a family again ?

Damien; No

Jayden; Yes

Damien; *looks at her* What ?

Jayden; Yes Damien, 100% yes. Forget Prince , he cheated on me. I just want us together again , engagement continued & everything

Damien; Anything For you Bae

Jayden; Let's get home ..


Prince P.O.V

I got dressed & waited on Jayden to get back ..

Yn; You don't think she'll hit me huh ?

Prince; Idek ..

Yn; .-.

Jayden, Damien & Dj walked in. Jayden walked straight upstairs & Damien looked at me cracking his knuckles. Dj shook his head

Prince; O.o Tf ?

Damien; You hurt my fiancé , so I wanna have a little fun

Prince; Fiancé ?

Damien; You heard right Perez *cracks his neck*

Dj; Your a dick Perez

Prince; What happen to uncle prince ?

Dj; He hurt my mother

Jayden walked back down stairs With our Daughter & Their suitcases ..

Prince; O.O No , your not taking my child.

Jayden; I am , & your not doing shit about it.. You can keep her

Marie; Daddy mean *hugs teddy bear*

Prince; No Daddy's not mean ..

Marie; You hurt mommy !

Prince; It was a mistake sweetie

Jayden; Idc , I'm taking her . You will see her on weekends

Yn; Are you seriously that jealous ?

Jayden just looked at her ..

Yn; *laughs* what ? Dj end up being Dominic's so you had to take a child that actually has the right father

Before I knew it , Jayden tackled Yn . They started fighting , Jayden slammed her head on the ground.

Damien pulled Jayden off, as she was getting pulled off Jayden kicked Yn in the mouth

Prince; *helping Yn* You okay ?

Yn; Fucking bitch

Jayden; Don't you ever talk about my kids !

Damien dragged Jayden to the car, as Dj got her bags.

Prince; Marie , you still love daddy right ?

Marie; you hurt mommy

Prince; Daddy loves you Princess

Marie; You said the same to mommy ._. *skips outside*

Did she just say that ? She's 3 years old ... Tf ?

- Musicfo'lifee

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