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Nialls pov.

  We were backing away in fear, we had no idea what was happening but it had something to do with carmon.

"Carmon calm down." Liam tried to say. she just screamed and calapsed on the ground. I rushed towards her and threw her over my sholder.

"C'mon mates, we're getting out of here." I said plainly.

"What about those things?" Louis asked unsure.

"She helped us by telling us how to kill them now we're going to help her.ok?" I was a little angry,why the fuck did zayn say that I'm pretty sure there's something or someone behind the virus. I think I might have feelings for her I know we just met but, she just seems alone,broken,and fragile. She hides it and just covers her pain, the boys never notice when someone's like that but I was always able to.

  I carried Carmon while the boys would gaurd each side to be sure and zayn still looked pissed off. We finally reached a little house out of the city and it looked like someone had been here and then we saw weapons that look alot like carmons so we asume she came here before she had met us. I layed her on a bed softly and sat on a chair right next to her and stroked her cheek as she breathed softly.

Carmon's pov.

  I was punched,kicked and spat on I felt like I just wanted to die and let go and be at peace,but I couldn't. The person doing this to me, I had more hatred for than I do for pandora....It was my father. He yelled things like: worthless,bitch,discrace,whore,slut,fat,disgusting, any horrible name you could think of.  I finally got free from him I was running in place I was going so slow. Everyones faces popped up yelling things like: 'you're the reason this happened' 'you should die' 'just give up'. That's exactly what I wanted to do. so I stopped in a corner everyone starring at me; pandora,the boys,my dad. but one person wasn't with them. I trembling I just wanted someone to save me from this hell,but no one did. They kept whispering and getting closer..and closer... I kept yelling "stop" and "leave me alone"s until it all stopped I looked up it was a bright light full of warmth. Someone came from the light and just craddled me and whispered soothing things to me. I looked up and saw Niall his eyes were an ocean blue, and his lips were light pink and plump. He looked straight into my eyes and they were full of care and warmth. He leaned in and we were inches away from our lips connecting. Then my eyes fluttered open. I saw Niall his hand in mine, and his head on me. I gently pulled my hand away and he woke up.

"Oh good you're awake." he smiled his hand carest my cheek but I pulled away and he frowned.

"Look I have to go." I got up but he grabbed my wrist.

"Let us go with you."

"No I can't I could end up killing you all just like zayn said it's my fault." I didn't want them getting hurt.

"Look ignore zayn he's just upset."

" No Niall I can't you wouldn't want to come with me, I'm just a monster. Nobody loves a monster." I whispered the last part. I pulled away and started walking when he went infront of me.

"I do." he was inches away from me.

"Look Nia-" then his lips crashed onto mine. I was suprised but his lips were so soft and loving. he wrapped his arms around my waist closing the gap between us. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair. Then I heard footsteps, so I pulled away quickly backing away.

"Hey Ni-oh you're awake." Zayn came in, I had my head down and a few feet away. Niall looked at me hurt. I felt bad but I just can't be with anyone right now I have trust issues. Zayn noticed how niall looked hurt.

"What happened? What did you do?" he was refurring to me.

"Nothing I was just leaving." I said still having my head down and let a tear fall.

"everythings my fault." I whispered as I past by Niall and Zayn.

"Why?" he questioned me.

"like you said it's my fault and I don't want your deaths to be my fault." I said and walked out. I grabbed all my weapons and left the house the boys questioning me but I ignored it, I had one thing on my mind...maybe Niall could fix me.. but I couldn't think about it anymore I left them....everything's my fault..........everything.


hello my lovelies!! I'm sorry I've been an asswhole and not updating but you working on like 3 of my books and writing chapter 4 of ' the out break of hell' with my aunt.... and yup I'm really busy. sorry ahehe <3







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