OS。Mission Mjolnir (Thor)

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Some fluffy goodness for LadyDork (I didn't want you to get a headache from banging on the table too much.😊)

"Y/N!" the voice boomed once more, resounding to even the farthest corner of the tower.

You stifled the eruption of giggles that bubbled in your throat. Clutching tightly to the metal in your hand. Having been born petite may have hindered your confidence when engaged in social gatherings, but when it came to hiding - nothing was better than being of small stature. Nestled within the comfort of two velvet capes of the colors of red and green, tucked away in Agent Hill's closet where you were sure the burly god of Poptarts would never find you.

"Y/n I know you have Mjolnir. Show yourself now and your bunny boots shall be spared."

'No... he wouldn't...' you thought. Your fingers fisted in the Asgardian regalia, as well as your toes that curled at the thought of loosing your precious bunny boots.

"Three... Two..."

Now you were fidgeting. Your body was by now betraying you and was so very close to giving in to the threat.

"I am going to skin them!"

"NO NOT MY BUNNY BOOTS! I SURRENDER!" you yelled. As soon as you bolted like the flash from the closet, did two arms take hold of your waist and spin you around. Startled, you squealed and squirmed but to no avail could you evade the strong grasp.

"Gotcha!" Thor laughed heartily.

"Let me go." you whined, trying your (pitiful) best to try and pry your bunny boots from his one hand that dangled above you.

"Well I am afraid I can't do that love, you see I have to figure out what do do with these fuzzy things now that you broke the code."

The treasured items were simply a pair of white, faux fur slippers that had been given to you by none other than the Black panther - a friendly parting gift as it were. You loved the things never seeming to part with them and even naming them. Affectionally earning them the title of bunny boots. Everyone teased you for it especially Tony who despised the poor creatures.

The great dare had been that if ever you should take an Avenger's property (for you were known to be an apprentice to the master of mischief) be it a shield, suit, sceptre, metal arm or Mjolnir - the individual who suffered the theft swore to inflict strange and terrible things upon your booties Boo one and Boo two. Fortunately for you, Thor was too much of an overgrown teddy bear to do so.

"Just give 'em to me!" You wiggled your arms free and held them out pleadingly, ready to receive your due reward for coming out of hiding.

The response came as a long and heavy sigh. "Very well." he said. He was too easy. And so Thor gave one final chuckle before handing you the booties, then letting you go.

When he did so however, his gaze was brought down to your arms, resulting in his eyes to widen more than you had ever seen them before. Thor pointed a finger towards where his eyes laid. "Are you holding... Mjolnir?"

You looked down at your wrist where hung the hammer. Upon seeing it, remembering even that it was in your possession, you swung Mjolnir up. Catching it in your hand as you always watched Thor so deftly do. "Indeed I am."

"Ho- how-"

"One could say I am worthy." you mused smugly. "Perhaps even more so than you considering that when you called for her she did not come."

"Mjolnir is not a she Y/n."

"Oh but isn't she?" you stroked the head tenderly, as one would pet a kitten. Making Mjolnir appear like that of a meek and harmless object struck a nerve with Thor. You knew this and were doing so to get a rise out of him.

He pouted ever so slightly. Something you knew was his Princely version of puppy eyes. Your cheeky self couldn't stand it anymore, seeing him like this, you just had to tell him. "I'm just teasing!" you said.


That is when all your withheld laughter burst forth and further confused an already baffled god. "It's a fake Thor," you said, red in the face from amusement. "I was playing with you."

"Well then where is the real one?" he demanded, pulling you into another inescapable embrace. You sighed, seeing as how he wasn't going to release you until you told him who had it.

You bit your lip, looking up to his expectant face. "Bucky has it."

Thor's brow furrowed. "Who the Heimdall is Bucky?"

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