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My panties are literally INFIRES right now


"So, I'll just sit here, watching you and Hoseok dance or what?", Yoongi asked while placing his bag on the floor. He looked around.
Maaan this practice room is fancy....
The floor was out of dark brown polished wood and the walls were painted black. Along one side of the room was a big mirror that covered all of the wall behind it.
Also the stereo equipment looked pretty expensive.
"Yes , after practice we can hang out somewhere else , I promise, but this is very important-"
"It's fine I'll sit down in this corner ,okay?"
Jimin grinned .
"The bass in that corner will kill you , trust me"
Yoongi smiled and sat down.
"You're exaggerating"
But Jimin wasn't.
A few minutes later the floor beneath him was vibrating and he could feel the bass in his bones.
But he liked it.
He leaned against the wall behind him and watched Jimin , Hoseok and some other guys dance to the music.
At first they were all grinning and laughing but after a while they looked more and more concentrated.
Yoongi watched Jimin.
How he moved his legs and his arms. How he shook his head to the beat.
They needed to repeat one part of their dance a few times so they were moving in sync after some repeats.
Between that little pauses of Hoseok turning back the music to that part, Jimin shared a few looks with Yoongi.
Jimin was sweaty and his face red. His hair was a mess and his breaths heavy .
Yoongi enjoyed this almost too much.
His gaze travelled down to Jimins hips while he was moving to the music.
Why is this dance so ... Sexuell?
Yoongi grinned.
Youna would melt in here
Bodyrolls everywhere.
He took out his phone and checked his insta feed.
Nothing interesting ,as always. Only Taehyung sending him strange videos over dm.
He signed and put his phone back in his jacket.

Time past and the boys were moving in perfect sync.
Yoongi didn't noticed that though.
The rest of the dance practice he ignored his strange interest in Jimins perfect moving body and instead closed his eyes and enjoyed the loud music around him.

Suddenly the music stopped and Yoongi opended his eyes to Jimin standing over him.
"Give me 5 minutes" he smiled .
Yoongi raised an eyebrow.
"You need to shower. I won't go anywhere with you when you are so sweaty and disgusting"
Jimin pounded.
"I'm not disgusting"
"Okay ,you're not but you are sweaty"
"Not that much..."
"Bitch u look like it's raining outside"
Jimin narrowed his eyes on Yoongi, than he signed.
"But it will take long to drive to my place and shower there"
Yoongi nodded slowly.
"You're right..."
Yoongi tapped his foot and crossed his arms.
"It will be faster for us to drive the bus to my place then-"
Jimins eyes widened.
"Good idea"
"Then let's go then?"
Jimin grapped his stuff and smiled widely.
Yoongi rolled his eyes and walked out of the room with Jimin close behind him.

Turned out that was a filler too
Do you guys even want to know what happens next ?

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