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Jimin slung his arms around Yoongis waist and started kissing the olders neck.
"Mhm Jimin, I'm busy" Yoongi said.
They stood in the kitchen, while Yoongi was preparing their dinner.
"I know" Jimin signed and let go of Yoongi again, so he didn't burn something or hurt himself.
"You know, I thought about something" Jimin started.
"Well tell me"
"We should let Eri hand out with us again"
Yoongi frowned.
Jimin signed in frustration.
"Because she has no friends except from us"
"She has those loud, giggly girls though"
Jimin shook his head.
"I mean real friends. We all used to hang out a lot. And just because I broke up with her... that doesn't mean that we can't be friends anymore"
Yoongi bit his bottom lip and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"Jimin, are you serious right now? There was a reason why you broke up, right?"
"Yeah, but you haven't seen her. She changed. "
"You told me she was pretty rude and aggressive. That was how she was to the rest of us all the time. But because you guys were in a relationship, she was all nice and cute and friendly to you. Trust me, she hasn't changed. She just showed you the real her."

Jimin shook his head again.
"But still, the thing with her mother..."
Yoongi snorted
"You're sure she said the truth? Because to me it seems like she wanted to say something that will hurt you or at least she tried to make you feel guilty. "
Jimin nod.
"Maybe you're right", he stepped closer to Yoongi, kissing him softly on the lips.
Yoongi enjoyed it but pulled back quickly.
"I'll burn the food"

They spend the evening watching a boring movie so they kinda ended up making out instead.
"Jimin?", Yoongi said quietly, while Jimin  was kissing his neck.
"I bought lube yesterday..."his cheeks flushed as Jimin looked up, staring at him in disbelieve.
"You want us to...uhm?"
Yoongi nodded.
"Well" Jimin sat up and ran his hand through his hair.
"My mom has a meeting today..s-so she will come back late.. that's why I-I thought ..."
Jimin laughed slightly.
"You're all red"
Yoongi covered his face with his hand.
"You have no idea how embarrassing it was to buy this", he reached back to give Jimin the bottle. It laid under his pillow.
Jimin laughed and placed the bottle next to them.
"At least you're really prepared"
Yoongi smiled.

Jimins expression suddenly changed, he got more serious.
"You really want this, right? "
Yoongi nod.
"I'll top?"Jimin asked.
Yoongi couldn't help it but laugh.
"I feel like I should do this because I'm the older one, but you're the dominant one, there's nothing what I can do about it."
Jimin grinned and captured Yoongis lips.
The kisses were softer than usual and Yoongi felt the excitement rising in him.
Jimins hands wandered under Yoongis shirt, touching his soft silky skin.
Yoongi signed in enjoyment and helped taking his shirt off.
Jimin kissed his neck, leaving hickeys on the pale skin.
Yoongi loved the feeling, although the lovemarks are difficult to hide later. Soft moans escaped Yoongis lips as Jimin started to palm his clothed member.
Jimin chuckled.
He kept rubbing his hand against Yoongis bulge.
"Tell me, are we ah-just friends or mh-more?"
Jimin grabbed the hem of Yoongis jeans and pulled them down along with his boxers.
Yoongi gasped and his cheeks turned red.
He didn't expected this so quickly, they usually never get fully undressed.
But this time is different , isn't it?
Jimin licked his lips and smirked before throwing Yoongi over so he was facing his back.
Yoongi whined but let it happen.
It was embarrassing that he was on his knees. His backside just in front of Jimins face.
Jimin groaned at the view and grabbed his ass and squeezed it hard.
Yoongi moaned and placed his head on his arms, closing his eyes.
He could hear the bottle snap open and than the sound of Jimin unzipping his pants.
Jimin covered Yoongis entrance with the lube.
It was cold and he shivered.
Jimin slowly entered one finger.
Yoongi felt pain at first, clenching the sheets with his fists. But after a while he started enjoying the feeling and he started moaning.
Jimin inserted another finger and moved them, so Yoongi got used to the feeling.
"Is that o-"Jimin started.
"You-ah still need to ah-answer my question"
Jimin leaned over Yoongi pressing his body against his.
He slightly licked over Yoongis red earlobe.
"I love you, I always did. As a friend all the years and now even more. I thought you knew that", he whispered.
Yoongi smiled and before he could even answer , Jimin replaced his fingers with his dick.
Yoongi wheezed .
Jimin gave him time to get used to it. Than he stared moving, slowly at first until Yoongi moaned his name, panting heavily.
"Ah ..Jimin nng"
Jimin began to thrust harder. He hit Yoongis prostate , causing the older to moan even louder.
He didn't care that they were obvious very loud.
Suddenly Jimin grabbed Yoongis dripping member and began to also stroke it.
"Oh fuck Yoongi"

"Nngh..I'm close"

Jimin kept thrusting and moving his hand so Yoongi cum very quickly. He released himself all over his bed sheets.
Jimin followed a few moments later.
They collapsed next to each other on the bed. Both heavily panting.
"You left me no time to answer. I love you"
Yoongi turned his head to look at Jimin.
He grinned sexy and quickly pecked his lips.
"We need to shower"
"I thought we'll do a round 2"
Jimin laughed.
"Give me time to recover"
Yoongi laughed too.

The next day was really sunny but cold af. But since it was Sunday, Yoongi and Jimin went to the park.
There were almost no children but a lot of geese next to the lake instead.
Jimin was running after them like a child until they flew away.
Yoongi fed them and laughed at Jimin, because his actions looked so stupid. It was funny that outside Jimin acted so childish and in the bedroom he was the leader.
Yoongis whole body was sore and It was difficult to walk normal.

A few people stared at them but Jimin just threw his hands in the air and followed a few geese until they flew over to the lake.
Yoongi held his stomach from laughing so much.
Jimin took off his scarf, he wanted Yoongi to hold it , because he was all sweaty of all the running in warm clothes.
But instead of taking the scarf, Yoongi just cupped the youngers face and kissed him.
Jimin blinked confused. They never showed affection to each other in public before. So this was very new for him.
Yoongi haven't even thought about the other people in the park. Why should he, when he had Jimin?
They deepened the kiss and Jimin slung his arms around the older.
Jimin giggled into the kiss and Yoongi grinned before biting slightly into Jimins lip.
They continued their kiss until they heard a familiar voice calling their names.
They broke up apart quickly and turned to see Jungkook coming towards them.
He grinned like Christmas came earlier this year.
"Hey guys" he said, smirking.
"Is this a date or something? "

Jimin laughed nervously and was about to respond that will maybe explain this whole situation, but he felt Yoongis hand grabbing his hand.
"Uhm yes"
Jungkook nod.
"Cool, guys I'm here with Hoseok and Taehyung. You want to hang out with us?"

They both agreed so they spend the rest of the day with their friends. And everything felt right. The others seemed like they already knew that they both were more than just friends.

Next chapter is last

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