First appointment.

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Chapter 20

Holland POV

So were on our way back and as you already know Lydia excepted Jordan's proposal. She'll be adopting the baby, their already talking about baby names if its a girl. Jessica and if its a boy Jake. Me and Jace have been talking to about baby's and we've decided on Jonathan for a boy and for a girl Kimberley after Jace's parents.

Me and Jace were laying on the bed in the back of the plane with Stripes and Pats, Stripes opened her eyes and she and Pats are walking now their still wobbly but their getting there.

"So I've set up a time when I'm most fertile and were gonna try three time a day okay?" I asked Jace.

"Are you sure you can handle this three times a day babe?" He said gesturing towards his manhood.

"Oh I can handle it" I said winking.

"So when are you most fertile?"

"Tomorrow, so at 12 am, 5 pm, and 10 pm."


"So don't be busy at all tomorrow."

"Oh I won't I promise!"

One week later.

So me and Jace have been trying for a baby since we've gotten home. Stripes and Pats are both enjoying their new home and Jace changed in front of them yesterday they both sat down and looked at him with respect. They like everyone in the pack and pretty much go where ever they want. I decided on taking them to the pack doctor to determine their age today. But Jace can't make it, he has to help John with the last couple of things before were officially running the pack.

"Stripes, Pats!" They both came running around the corner until they saw the cage they turned and ran.

"Stripes Pats sit!!"

They both stopped and sat they put their tail between their legs as I walked towards them. I picked them both up and placed them into their cages.

Once I arrived at the doctor I started having cramps. Must be getting my girly time.

"Hello Luna how may I help you today?"

"We'll when Jace and I went on vacation we found these little guys." I said opening the crate Stripes and Pats were both sound asleep purring.

"Okay, and what would you like me to do?"

"I want to find out their age, and if they have any health issues."

"Okay let me see." He picked Stripes up and examined her.

"Okay they seem to be about a month old, she doesn't have any health problems as I can tell, and she, he said pointing to pats is the same their both very healthy. Would you like to get their shots today?"

"Yes please!" He walked out of the room and came back with four shots.
I for some reason got a nauseous feeling when I saw the needles. I ran to the trash can and puked everything up I had for breakfast.

"Are you okay Luna?"

"Yeah I think so." Just as I said that I puked again.

"Here come sit down ill be right back."

He came back with a cup "what's that for?"

"Pregnancy test."

"Me and Jace haven't been trying but for about a week though.."

"Just to make sure."

"Ok.." I said walking to the bathroom I peed in the cup and walked back to the room he took the cup and walked out of the room. I stood by the table petting Stripes and Pat. It seemed like hours before Dr. Jones came back in.

"Good news."

"Okay!?!?" I said getting impatient.

"Your pregnant!"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, now I want you to come back next week for a ultra sound."

"Okay!" I was beaming with joy at this point. I put Stripes and Pat back in their crates and went home. I was sitting on the bed playing with Stripes and Pat when Jace walked in the room.

"Hey babe how has your day been?"

"Horrible, all I want to do is sleep." He said flopping down face first onto the bed.

"What happened?"

"We'll it's December and your birthday is in April, have you decided if you are going to accept the gift that's pretty much a curse or what..?"

"I'm not going to accept it."

"Uhh thank god!!"

"Now I have some good news for you." I said laying next to him so he was looking at me.


"I'm pregnant."


Cliff hangerr again sorry guys!

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