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Mary had stormed out of a Happy Mothers meeting for the 6th time that week. Nobody blamed her; all those mothers were miserable in the presence of Ultimate Bitch Mom Linda (aka UBML) but Mary was the only one to do something.

Mary had to. Those stupid tips about children that Linda spewed were useless. Mary had to educate herself the right way. The only way.

Hands on.

Mary then recalled the time when the Festers asked her to babysit their children. The Festers had a big bunch. 8 mischievous, wide eyed, mousy haired kids. The Fester Parents (FP for short) were gorgeous. They both looked like they belonged on a magazine cover.

Completely unlike their kids. The kids were atrocious. Mary didn't know what went wrong, but hell, something sure did.

One of the smallest Fester children was a lunatic. He always rambled about how he was surrounded by 'bloody idiots'. Mary quite liked him. He wasn't a pretty sight, but he was clever and knew something was wrong with the world.

Mary then stood on the street, showered in rays of heat. Sweat was traveling down her back.

That's when she knew she was going to be a bad mother.

"Henry," she said to herself, "don't let me down, you crummy godfather. Show me why Leo chose you."

"God knows its was his last choice."

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