Chapter 1

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I jumped out of bed ran to my dresser and put on my blue dress with my cowgirl boots. Ran downstairs grabbed my bag and hurried to the bus.
I sat by my bestfriend Brittney on the bus we talked about our summer. She went to L.A for the summer.
"It was so different there." Brittney said softly.
"I bet it was so cool". I said
"Yeah but I kept thinking about you cause your my bestest friend"
"Awe thanks "
"WHERE HERE" the bus driver yelled out
"Are u scared Liv"
"No not really, we will do fine"
"I hope so"
We got off the bus walked into school all of are friends were waiting for us.
"OMG Liv I LOVE that dress"
"Thanks Britteny got it for me from L.A"
"OMG Britteny u are so nice"

"So Liv what did u do over the summer""Nothing really just rode horses, went dancing, meet a boy, went to see my cousins""WAIT STOP did u say u meet a boy" Britteny said excitedly "Yeah""U didn't tell me u meet a boy""Yeah ig but he don't live in ...

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"So Liv what did u do over the summer"
"Nothing really just rode horses, went dancing, meet a boy, went to see my cousins"
"WAIT STOP did u say u meet a boy" Britteny said excitedly
"U didn't tell me u meet a boy"
"Yeah ig but he don't live in Texas"
"Where does he live"
"Wow how did u meet him then"
"I went to see my cousins and I meet him"
"Is he cute"
"OMG yes very"
"Well are u guys a thing"
"Idk we kissed but"
"OMG Liv I'm your bestfriend and u didn't tell me any of this"
I school bell rang and we ran to see first class me and Britteny have the same first hour. We got to pick are sits so of course me and Britteny sat by each other.
We passed notes most if the time we almost got in trouble but luckily we didn't.
The bell rang me and Britteny don't have the same second hour.
"Bye Liv have a good second hour"
"Thank bye u too"
I ran to my second hour luckily my other friend Mackenzie was in that class we sat by each other. We got to talk so we talked about are summer.
"What did u do over the summer Mackenzie?" I asked exactly
"I went to Hawaii"
"Wow so cool how was it"
"It was good ig."
"What do u mean ig?"
"My grandmas house got destroyed by a tornado."
"Wow that's not good."
"OK guys class is over." Are teacher yelled.
I ran out the door to go find Britteny
"BRITTENY" I yelled across the hallway we walked to are 3rd hour together we walked in the class the teacher was Britteny so mom.
She made me and Britteny sit on the opposite ends of the class because she knows we talked alot.
The rest of the day went by fast it was time to go home I ran to my bus me and Britteny sat by each other my brother sat behind us and would not keep kicking are sit.

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