Chapter 2

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[Author's POV]

"Psst!" Jihyo secretly signaled Gee Hye beside her. Gee Hye getting annoyed as Jihyo kept elbowed her arm. "What?!" Gee Hye yelled in half-whisper. Jihyo leaned closer to her. "What are you doing outside earlier?" She asked. "Looking for you of course!" Gee Hye mumbled in between her fist near to her mouth.

"Did you just having a conversation with the most popular boy in our school just now??" Jihyo teased her because she knew that Jungkook was Gee Hye's crush. Gee Hye couldn't help it but smiling really wide. "You know Jihyo.. I owe you for sulking~"

"Yes, Miss Jung Hye Sang? What you've got there? Mind to share it with all of us here??"

Both Gee Hye and Jihyo startled especially Gee Hye when Mr Kang mentioned her name out loud, making the her entire classmates staring at her. Gee Hye frozed a bit. Slowly she shook her head. "Nothing, sir. Proceed."

"You're so done, Jihyo.." Gee Hye 'threaten' her bestfriend as their learning process back to normal. She pushed her away as she was annoyed by Jihyo's chuckles.


Jungkook went over to his group, Bangtan as they hanging out at one of the school's gazebo. When they saw Jungkook approaching them, they greet and welcomed him happily. "Challenge accepted, and the first task is complete." Jungkook declared his statement. The others cheered because he'd done their challenge.

"No, no! It's not over yet! You've already done with the first task. There's more. Hehe~" Taehyung butt in their cheers. Jungkook looked at him nonchalantly. "Just give me your easy task and I'll be happy to complete them.." He crossed his arms and raise his eyebrow with his proud feelings. Hoseok and Namjoon massaged and patted Jungkook who's boasting about himself.

"Alright, Mr Capable. Since you've complete your first task, it's time for task two." Taehyung cleared up his throat before continues. "Your second task is, ask her out.." The others making their sounds. "Oooohh.."

Jungkook gulped secretly as he Taehyung gave him the second task. But he just act cool as he didn't want the others noticed his sudden changed expression.

"Let me show you what this maknae can do.."

(Back to Gee Hye)

Both Jihyo and Gee Hye headed to the canteen as it's reccess. Jihyo only bought biscuits while Gee Hye bought two plastics of cakes. Then they both headed to their favourite place of all, the gazebo. Gee Hye placed her foods on the table then start eating. Jihyo looked at her in her weird face. She sat right next to her and also began eating her biscuits.

"Gee Hye, slow down! You'll get chocked!" Jihyo was annoyed and worried at the same time. Gee Hye just kept eating happily as she ignored Jihyo like a kid. "Aigoo.. I should've ask your mom to stop spoiling you with foods.." She mumbled and shook her head.

After reccess was over, they both went back to their class. While they're on their way back, Gee Hye and Jungkook coincidently met at the staircase. Gee Hye clearly didn't know what to do as she fluttered once again. Jungkook drew a smile on his lips towards Gee Hye. Gee Hye saw his smile and looked away because of her shyness.

"Annyeonghaseyo." Jungkook greeted both of them but his eyes only looking at Gee Hye. Jihyo pushed her and signaled her with her eyes telling her to greet him back or at least say something. Gee Hye finally bowed slightly and greet him back. With her stuttering. "A-annyeongh-haseyo.."

"So, we meet again. I didn't really have the chance to know you earlier. What's your name actually?" He asked and started acting like he'd interest in her. "Ah! Uh.. I-I'm Jung Hye Sang." She respond to his question. She couldn't hide her smiles as she turned her head towards Jihyo.

"Jung Hye Sang.. Hm. What a unique name. What should I called you so that I'll remember your name everyday?" Gee Hye pinched her skirt. She was fluttered when she heard his statement. "Ah! Just called me anything you like.." Jihyo facepalming went she heard Gee Hye's answer.

"Oh.. So, can I called you Hye Sang instead? I really liked unique names." Jungkook began his act to complete his second task. Gee Hye didn't know what he's up to so she just barely nodded, without even realized that she'd dumbfounded.

"My goodness.. Do something, Gee Hye!!" Gee Hye smiled at him in awkwardness. She glanced at her wrist watch then lift her head up towards him. "I think I should be going. The class will start soon.." Gee Hye moved her feet and dragged Jihyo with her. As Gee Hye stepped the first stair, Jungkook managed to stop her from walking. "Hye Sang-sshi.." Gee Hye immediately turned around when Jungkook called her name.

"Before you go, can I ask you something?" Jungkook used his charms trying to catch her attention. Gee Hye who really love being around with her crush nodded instantly. "Sure! What is it?"

Jungkook gulped as he stared towards the over-sized girl in front of him. "Will you go out with me?" He said, in one breath. He wasn't not nervous because he didn't have any feelings for her. He was just forcing himself. Gee Hye was literally screaming, in her heart. She looked at Jihyo who's been listening to their conversation as Jihyo nudged her to agree. Then she looked at Jungkook back again and nodded in shyness.

"Really? Thank you, Hye Sang. We will going out tomorrow. Bye!" Jungkook exclaimed in happiness as he succeed the second task. He waved at Gee Hye slightly then went off until he disappeared from both Gee Hye and Jihyo's sight. They both exchange looks to each other and screamed.

[Gee Hye's POV]

My prince.. Had just.. Asking.. Me.. Out.. For.. A date!!! I need to go the hospital cause my heart already explode! I think I'm gonna cry.. ~_~ The best moments and feelings I've ever had..

*kring* Yes! The last school bell rang! I want to go home, plopped on my bed and scream so hard on my pillow. Or maybe I'll cry because I couldn't hold my tears of joy. I just want to let out my fangirl feels~

"Jihyo.. I'm speechless.." I hold Jihyo's hand really tight because I'm having a hard attack! Jihyo patted my hand as she non-stop chuckling. "Gee Hye-yah, I know how you feel. Just calm down. Be patience." I placed my other hand on my chest and manage to breathe normally.

"Calm down because you have to confront your important day tomorrow.."

My heart beat racing up again. THE TOMORROW!! I hit her shoulders multiple times. "Yah Song Jihyo! You gave me a heart attack all over again!!" I yelled at her in between my smile. I glared at her as she laughed.

What am I going to do tomorrow? How am I going to survive? I mean, my prince Jeon Jungkook had just asking me out!!!!

[Author's POV]

"It is I, Jungkook the Golden Maknae, had just completed the second task given by a hyung named Kim Taehyung!" Jungkook raised up both his hand and proudly announced that he's succeed. The others clapped their hands and cheered. Jin and Namjoon get him and gave him brother's hug. Taehyung punched himself as he lost. He finally admit that Jungkook won.

"So, the next task??" Jungkook crossing his arms. "You can't have the next task unless you go out with her tomorrow. Then we will give you the third one.." Taehyung also crossing his arms. Jungkook shrugged and headed outside their class.

"Do I have to go out with that 'bear'?" He mumbled.

To be continued..


Second chapter is finally done! Next chapter will be publish as soon as it done. Bye! See you by next chapter! 😊✋🙋

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