I Love You More Then You Think (Aviatorgasm)

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Hey Katy here! This is my fanfic, Evra and Toni can help if they want but, oh well! Lezz go! 

Hi, I'm Burt. I live with probably the the hottest guy on earth. No not Steve or Tyson, but Zach. Yes I'm gay, but not openly gay. It's a pain to not just run up to him and kiss him. UGH! It sucks! 

"BURT! WE GOTTA RECORD A SKIT!" A skit? When was i gonna be told this? I walked downstairs to see zach shirtless, my eyes were wide and I most likely had a blush. "Oh um, what are we doing for this skit?" He looked up at me and smiled. "Well, Tyson came up with it! It's supposed to be where you come out of the closet!" I frown and sit on the couch. "So, is Burt- Oh ok lets start!"

After recording l had the biggest fucking blush ever! The video was so stereotypical yet l liked it. l was so close to Zach, hell l sat on his lap! "Burt you ok? Your face is red!" Zach put his hand on my forehead, "DUDE! Your burning up!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me up to my room. He pushed me onto my bed and went to my bathroom. Now, l know this looks like a typical sex scene, but really he came out with a wet rag and he put it on my head. "Th-Thanks..." l took it out of his hand and pressed it against my forehead. Why is he so perfect? "Burt, are you ok? like, emotionally? you seemed very uncomfortable throughout the recording..." I looked up at him sympathetically, "Zach, I'm fine." "No you aren't~" I turn my attention to my fingers, which at the time became very interesting. "I'm fine!" "Burt, l worry about you, if you need to talk. l'm here." He got up and walked out. l felt so bad, but l don't wanna tell them yet! l curled up into a ball and cried, l made a mistake by yelling out "I'M SORRY! IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" Someone ran in and shook me. "Burt?!?!" More foot steps came in and l just start screaming. "Whats wrong with him?" "I-I don't know Tyson!" l was pulled up off my bed. I wasn't picked up, no l was pulled into a standing position with my face still covered. "Burt?" "D-Don't touch me!" l struggled in Zach's grip. "Burt..." l look up and into his eyes. "What's wrong Burt?" "l-l can't tell you." "I thought we were friends Burt!" "IT'S MORE COMPLICATED THEN THAT TYSON!!" l pushed away from Zach onto my bed. I feel really bad. "Tyson, out." I heard foot steps, so l looked up to see Zach closing the door. "What do you want?" "You know l wanna know whats wrong." He let out a light laugh then flopped on my bed. "Now, tell" l sighed "Promise not to hate me?" "I promise!" I looked him in the eyes. "l'm gay. And l was uncomfortable because we were so close!" He looked at me shocked, How has he taken it?

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