Faith. ♥️

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|~ Probably one of the chapters that relates to me the most. "Faith"- Love you~|

Faith. Beautiful, smart, hilarious, tolerates me. Love it. We have been friends since 3rd grade. So many breakups and fights, but the great thing about Faith is that we bond. In a way like never before. Like wolf and forest, we can't lose each other. Our friendship is terribly amazing.
In 3rd grade I was the loud, annoying, kind of snotty one. She was the cool, funny, awesome one. One day we just kinda clicked. We did everything together beyond that point. To sleep overs that lasted until only eleven o'clock, to pretzels and soda at the park. We did everything together. Until one particular day that lasted up until 6th grade. A new girl, not bad at first. Maria. Tall, brown hair, mean blue eyes that shined back at you with wisdom. You tried to fight her, she tried you.

She in a kind of way took over Faith and I's friendship. Sure me and Faith hung out everyday but we were slowly drifting. (Wave after wave). Soon Faith and Maria we're inviting each other to their houses, I was seeing Faith a lot less. Until one day, they weren't at our special spot on the sidewalk. I was a third grader so this was the feeling of "she killed my fish oh my lord". I was so frustrated with Maria. Until it passed. I realized that Faith as I had drifted away.

A couple years later, this was still going on. Oh well, doesn't matter. I found a friend. Avia. We went into so many phases together. Until 6th grade when we split. I was used to it by now. Oh well. Soon I thought... "Faith?... Nope. Jaymie? Nope we split..." So I remembered youth drama.

My friends Kadryn and Elizabeth were in there, but we weren't great friends yet. Then Faith joined. We bonded. More, and more, and more. Until we were good again. But not as good, we still went our separate ways. When the play was over I was shocked that Faith had asked the question "Want to sit by me at lunch?" I said yes. Yes yes yes. Maria, still in the way but I can make up for this.

Seventh grade- we hung out all summer. I think I have a chance. A chance to get my things together. I trust Faith, she trusts me <I hope>. Here we are in seventh grade, talking about the new boy I had liked back then Chayce.
|~I want to delete this so bad by now xD~|
End of the school year, Maria?? What's that? Skipping 8th grade? Not going to be in the same school with us next year? I am being blessed right now. Faith and I are back at it again, sleepovers every weekend, getting together. And there were 3 more years of that, and there is more to come.

|~ Two chapters in one day, woo. I think I might do another ;) ~|

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