Chapter Three

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*Rewritten on July 7 2012, November 2 2012 and July 20 2013*

Chapter Three

The day passed by quickly, and before Allison knew it it was dinner time. She had a free period before dinner (seeing as her Charms teacher had a rather harsh fall today and was currently in the Hospital Wing), so she just stayed in the library and chatted with her cousins. Quietly, of course. Allison swore she saw James, Remus, Sirius and Pettigrew there, but she dismissed it. Still, as she got up and started walking towards the Great Hall, she couldn't seem to diminish the thought of the four of them seeing her with Slytherins. Not that Allison approved of House rivalry and the like--it's just that she knew Sirius and James are closed minded when it comes to Houses, and therefore would probably brand her as a traitor.

If they didn't already do it before, that is.

All of this was tiring, really, and Allison couldn't wait for Regulus' arrival tomorrow. At least she could talk to him, right?

Honestly? Taking advice from a ten year old--Sirius's brother, no less! the more rational part of her mind said. Allison shrugged absentmindedly, spotting the tall oak doors of the Great Hall and quickening her pace. Yes, honestly, she thought, everything is driving me crazy. At least I can take it off my chest. Then afterwards I won't have to talk to myself like a madman. She made her way through the throng of chattering students.

That was, until she was pulled into a broom closet.


From the look on Andrew's face, Allison knew she there was something coming up.

"Oh. It's you." Said the Ravenclaw, looking relieved, though still tense while awaiting her brother's words. Andrew wanting to talk to her was already rare in on itself, since he made it quite clear years ago that he didn't want anything to do with his sister, who he now branded as a blood traitor.

At Hogwarts, anyway.

But still, at home, he has to play the very annoying (according to him) role of big brother and keep up appearances for the sake of their parents, so he had to be nice to her. Though, in his standards, being nice means toning down the barricade of insults, amongst other things.

At least it was bearable.

Truth be told, it wasn't.

The only thing that kept her safe was her parents' constant scrutiny of Andrew's actions and the occasional visit from friends and relatives, but there was still a reason why she asked one of their house elves to constantly lock her room everyday, as to prevent her brother from damaging her precious books again.

Andrew sneered at her. "Yes, it's me. Don't get used to it--I'm only here to pass a letter." The said letter was pulled out from one of his robe pockets, and was now shoved into her hands. Allison could only look at it with trepidation until Andrew got angry and pushed her out of the closet. "Here's some advice--not that it'll help you any," he added with a sneer, "talk to Regulus Black tomorrow and let him read the letter. I'm sure he got a similar one from his parents." And he strode past his sister, slamming the door shut behind him. Allison could only stare at his back in wonder, still fiddling the letter with the eerie acid green seal that was shaped like a snake and a skull.

She surprised, though--why didn't her brother reprimand her for associating with Gryffindors?


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