Out Of The Blue

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12:23 p.m. - Tonight's the night, and I've never been more excited.

Floyd Corrigan asked me out yesterday - he said in his deep, husky voice, "Anni, do you have any plans for tomorrow night?" I said no, I didn't (it didn't matter that I had to reschedule a dentist's appointment and cancel my plans for going to a movie with my sister). And he just looked at me with his hazel eyes and said, "Care to join me for dinner?"I said yes – who wouldn't?

He'd always hung out with the popular crowd at my school, and as the clique drifted apart over the years, he started talking to me more and more. I couldn't believe it, that he'd ask me out instead of one of the other girls?

But he had.

Did I mention I've had a crush on him since seventh grade?

I'd never had the courage to talk to him or anything, but now that he'd asked me out – I can't even explain how wonderful this was!

2:13 p.m. - I couldn't decide – wear a casual outfit, or dress up?I didn't want to be too formal – he'd think I'm trying too hard, but if I went too casual he'd think I'm lazy. Am I overthinking this?

annibear_: Guys I'm going out with Floyd tonight! Should I wear something casual or dress up? Ugh I'm so bad at this haha :D


luna_may_tyson: Go casual unless the restaurant is fancy but knowing Floyd it probably isn't xD

annibear_: What's that supposed to mean?

luna_may_tyson: Oh nvm, something casual, but dress it up with some jewelry if you want

fangirl4life: Tell me how it goes okay? Have fun!! :)

annibear_: Thanks guys!

4:59 p.m. – I'm meeting him at a restaurant called Buona Cucina on Main Street at six. As I carefully apply mascara, I wonder how tonight will turn out. I desperately hope it all goes well, but deep inside I'm terribly nervous – I never thought he would ask me out, of all people. He never seemed to notice me before now. Maybe he had a crush on me too, and he was too nervous before now and we were both admiring each other from afar but had never done anything and we'd find out that we'd secretly loved each other and we were meant to be -

I accidentally stab my eye with an eyeliner pencil. I wince, rubbing the smudge away with a finger.

5:54 p.m. - "A table for two, please? I'm with a friend; he hasn't arrived yet," I ask the waitress.

"Of course, miss! Right this way," she says, a hint of an Italian accent in her tone. She leads me to a table right by the window. "Can I get you a drink while you wait for your friend?" She smiles knowingly at me and my awkward manner – I think she can tell that this is our first date.

"Water – some water, thanks." I reply, and she walks away. I glance at my watch; it's 6:01. He's not late, he might just be stuck in traffic, right? Besides, he's always late to class; that's just how he is. I'm sure he'll be here soon.

The waitress arrives with my water. "Thank you," I mention, smiling up at her.

6:09 p.m. - He must be held up somewhere. Besides, he's not really that late, but I always like to be punctual because it's polite. I can imagine what he'll say when he gets here: "Sorry, I'm fashionably late. Now, let's eat!"

6:16 p.m. - The traffic does look pretty bad outside, I guess. I can see the waitress staring at me apologetically from across the room, and then watching the door as intently as I am. It's not that big of a deal anyways – I'm sure he'll have a good reason for it.

6:23 p.m. - He hasn't texted me or anything – not even "I'm running late". The waitress refills my water, muttering nervously, "Would you like to order an appetizer?" I shake my head – I'll wait. I don't want to order yet.

6:39 p.m. - Something's up. What's going on?

6:46 p.m. - I order a salad quietly when the waitress steps over to refill my water once again. She nods meekly and whisks away, obviously uncomfortable. The other diners are noticing – they glance at me and then stare at the door, frowning.

6:55 p.m. - Call to Floyd Corrigan failed.

Call to Floyd Corrigan failed.

Call to Floyd Corrigan failed.

7:13 p.m. - I don't think he ever planned on coming.

7:30 p.m. - "Oh my god, babe, I'm so sorry – traffic was terrible, and I got held up at home and my phone was dead and I feel so bad! I'm so sorry – please, let's eat. I'll tell you the whole story later," A boy exclaims loudly as he slides into the seat opposite me. I can hear the relieved sighs of people around me and the waitress.

I have no idea who this person is.

"I'm Lucas, and you looked so lost – whoever didn't bother to show up is a terrible person." He stares at me through dark brown eyes. "Just go with it, okay?"

"I – I'm Anni."

He smiles sweetly, declaring, "Let's eat! I'm starving."

8:42 p.m. - Lucas opens the door, and I step out into the night air. "Thank you so, so much," I exclaim. "That was so kind of you-"

"Anni, I really enjoyed tonight. You're a wonderful person, and whoever you were supposed to meet tonight doesn't deserve you at all. Would you like to maybe go out again sometime?"

"That would be amazing," I say gratefully, although inside I'm freaking out.

"See you soon," he waves, leaving me dumbstruck, standing on the sidewalk.

And thus ends the best night of my life.

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