Chapter 1

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    Nico stomped away from the Apollo cabin, wiping salty tears off his pale face. He looked around at the crowded camp, hating the fact that others were seeing him cry. He rushed to his cabin, for once not caring if he bumped into people. He rushed past Jason, hitting his arm with more force than he thought he did. Jason looked back at Nico with concern, the small boy storming towards his cabin. "Hey, Nico! What's wrong?" Jason asked, needing to raise his voice slightly to get the boys attention.
    "Screw off!" He yelled back, the area around him seeming to get darker. He raised his fist and thrust out his middle finger and stormed into his cabin.
    "What's up with him?" Percy asked Jason, who was still shocked about what happened.
    "I don't know. I'll ask Solace. But please, don't be an idiot, Percy." Jason laughed, lightly punching Percy's arm.
    "What?" He asked, tilting his head like a confused dog.
    "I mean don't bother Nico. If he wanted to talk he would have, and if he gets all underworld-y and stuff... well,"
    "We all knows what happens when he does that." Percy finished. "Welp, if you need me, I'll be with Annabeth." He smiled as he walked away, Annabeth reading in the distance. Jason sighed as he walked to the Apollo cabin. He knocked on the door and opened it, the cabin pretty empty. There were random medical and musical instruments scattered on the floor and most of the medical beds were empty. The stolls brothers were sitting across from each other in a cot playing poker, and one of them had a splint on his wrist. Jason heard a faint crying noise and what sounded like someone punching a wall. He moved towards the noise and saw Will sitting in his bed crying. He walked up to him a sat next to him on the bed.
    "You okay?" Jason asked, adjusting his glasses.
    "No." Will replied, wiping his nose with his hand.
    "I'm sorry to hear that, maybe we can talk later, but do you know what's up with Nico?"
    "Ugh, I don't want to talk about that bitch." He growled, his eyebrows knitting together and his fists clenching. His face lost his harshness and he let out a loud sob.
    "What happened, if you don't mind me asking?" Jason asked softly, putting his hand on Will's back.
    "I-I don't know. I was overwhelmed since the Stoll brothers were pissing me off so I snapped at Nico, which scarred him, and-" Whatever he was saying was cut off by his sobs. He bit his hand to try to quiet them, but he still cried. "I.. I guess I got mad at him for some stupid reason and he... He broke up with me... I guess he had a good reason to. I've been a total bitch to him wanting to speed up the relationship... A-And I'm never around since I'm either helping in the infirmary, practicing archery, or working on music. This is all my fault..." He cried.
    "Solace, you can't blame losing someone one yourself. Trust me, it doesn't help. You don't have control over Nico, and you didn't choose for him to break up with you." Jason reassured, doing his best to try and cheer up the son of Apollo.
    "Easy for you to say. You got over Piper so quick." He laughed, tears falling from his eyes.
    "Ha, that's funny. You think I got over Piper so easily? I remember not leaving my cabin for 3 weeks, at least. It took almost half the camp to get me out of my cabin and eat. We even had to get some of the folks from Camp Jupiter to come over. I still haven't gained most of the weight back. Even after you guys got me to get outside I would just mope around crying." Jason thought back to nearly 5 months ago.

    It had been 3 weeks since Piper went on a quest with Hazel to kill off a hoard of monsters who were terrorizing humans and Jason was worried out of his mind. Jason saw Hazel standing by Thalia's pine but Piper wasn't with her. When got closer, he realized Piper was with Hazel, but she was in her arms. He ran up to them and saw Piper, who's face was a greenish tint and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She was still breathing, but Jason could tell she was close to death. "She-She got poisoned." Hazel cried. "I'm sorry I couldn't save her. I didn't realise until the fight was over." Jason grabbed Piper out of Hazel's arms and set her on the ground. She was still breathing and was still as beautiful. Jason cried as she took her final breath. Jason slammed his fist into the dirt when another breath didn't leave her lungs. He cried and looked straight ahead as Nico ran up the hill, leaving the argument he was having with Will.
    "Will!" He yelled, his chocolate eyes wide with fear. Will ran up the hill and gasped when he saw Piper's lifeless body. Jason looked up at the ghost king and grabbed him so they were looking at each other in the eyes.
    "Bring her back!" He yelled, making Nico flinch. "Go to the underworld and bring her back! She doesn't deserve to die!" Nico looked up at Hazel, who shook her head.
    "I'm sorry, Jason, but I can't do something like that."
    "You did it for Hazel!" He yelled.
    "Because the doors of death were open!" Nico yelled. He blinked in surprise, since he had just realised he was yelling. "I'm sorry." He whispered. Jason stormed off into his cabin. Everyone looked up at the sky to see thunder clouds covering the camp quickly. Rain started to pour over the camp and lightning thundered through the valley. Little did Jason know much more happened after he left.
    "Oh gods." Nico muttered, looking in the direction Jason went. "He's never gonna forgive me."
    "Someone just died and that's your top priority?" Will yelled, taking his attention away from Piper and to Nico. "It's not like you two are dating!"
    "Will, I'm dating you! Do you think I'm cheating on you?" Nico yelled back, throwing his arms into the air.
    "Well for all I know you could be!" Will yelled back, crossing his arms. "Makes sense since you want us to go so slow." He muttered, looking at the ground.
    "Oh, shush!"
    "Guys! This isn't the time to start fighting." Annabeth interrupted, her cheeks stained with tears and her curly hair now flat from the rain. "Piper just died. She was both of your friends, and she wouldn't want you to fight."
    "Well she can't stop us because she's dead now." Nico snapped back, sprinting down the hill and into the forest surrounding the camp.
    "Oh my gods now he's going into the forest." Will growled. "I guess he really does want to die." He laughed angrily and stomped off.
    "Why would Nico want to die?" Percy asked, walking up the hill oblivious to what had just happened. "And why is Solace so mad? Did something-" Percy froze when he saw Piper's body soaked in rain water laying in the grass. "Holy Hephaestus..."
    "Perce, I-I'll explain in your cabin. I just need some time alone right now." Annabeth said to him, hugging him. Everyone knew that when Annabeth said she wanted to be alone she meant she wanted to be alone with Percy. They walked down to the cabins, holding each other's hands.

    While everyone else was grieving, Nico was sitting alone in the forest. Little did Nico know, as a joke, the Stoll brothers had somehow led two drunken centaurs into the forest and were right behind the Ghost King. Nico sat on a large boulder, hunched over and crying his heart out, but to him it felt like it had already been torn out by multiple people. As he wept he felt an arrow pierce straight into his right shoulder. "Aw you missed." One of the drunken centaurs whined in a drunken voice to his friend. Nico screamed in pain as he clutched his shoulder, which was already gushing blood. He yanked the arrow out, which hurt even more then when it went in. He turned around to see the two centaurs who both had already knocked another arrow. Nico raised his left hand and the ground from under the centaurs opened up and eagerly swallowed them, bringing them to meet the terrible fate of Tartarus. Nico felt like he was going to pass out from opening the underworld, which was usually easy for him. He stumbled a few feet but quickly fell to the ground. He picked himself up and looked for his sword, but quickly remembered he had left it in his cabin. He turned around multiple times, but couldn't figure out which direction the camp was. He tried to take a step in one direction but instantly fell face first to the ground and winced in pain. He curled into a ball and cried until he fell asleep.

       When Nico wasn't seen in 3 hours and it started to get dark Will created a search party of 5 people and headed into the woods. Will ran in and found Nico asleep in a ball, and picked him up, but couldn't wake him up. He checked his pulse and saw that he was okay, and brought him to the Apollo cabin. He gently laid him down in a cot and wouldn't leave. He fell asleep next to the cot, his head resting on Nico's leg.

      Nico was awakened to his own screaming and tears. Will got woken up immediately and checked in on Nico. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked, wiping the tears from Nico's face.
      "I-I had a dream." Nico cried, leaning on Will's shoulder. Nico didn't call his bad dreams nightmares anymore, because he only had nightmares, so why should there be a need to differentiate the two? Will crawled into the small cot and hugged Nico, who couldn't fall back asleep in fear another dream may come. It wasn't one of the normal dreams demigods had, which tend to show the future, but it was a dream that reminded him of his past. His mind playing back every hell forsaken step Nico took in Tartarus when he went to sleep.

Jason brought himself out of his past and turned to Will. "I promise things will be alright." He reassured.
"But what if they're not?"
Jason let out a small laugh. "You think Apollo's going to let the other gods get away with that?" Will smiled and wiped the tears from his face.
"Thanks. If you can, tell Nico that I'm sorry."
"Hey I'm not Hermes!" Jason joked. "You'll have to do it on your own. May the gods give you luck." With that, Jason stood up and walked towards the door, hoping the gods would give everyone, not only Will, luck.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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