Chapter 1

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Life can be pretty damn unfair. Yup, that's a fact.
If you ask me why, well let me tell you my story.

Maybe you will think "you looked for it" but to be complete honest, I didn't.
I am one of those people that doesn't see, hear or talk bad about other people.
Unless. Well unless it hits me on the face. And that's what happened.

It started 3 months ago, to be exact.
You see, my name is Marcel Styles. I am the nerdy kid from school. The one that dresses
like a grampa would. That one that has no friends.The one that..... well you get the idea.

It was weird when this girl, Eleanor, came to me. It's not that people don't aknowledge me in general. Some people do talk to me, to ask me questions about school work, to force me do their homework,to push my face against a wall, etc.

But Eleanor, well she is one of the most popular girl in school, every girl wants to be like her, and every guy wants to have her. And she wasn't dump to come to me and ask me to do her work. So I was utterly confused when she asked me to hangout with her after school.

Me being me, declined. Of course. I wasn't about to go somewhere with her without knowing her motives. But after 2 weeks of her insistence, I... accepted.

"Marcel. Hey Marcel!" I heard Eleanor yell at me from across the campus. I was trying to get to my 3rd period class without anyone noticing my existence. But of course Eleanor had to be the one to catch me.

"H-hi Eleanor" I stutter as she was getting closer to where I was.

It has been 3 weeks since we first hanged out, to be honest it wasn't horrendous to be with her a few hours a day, she was fun and intelligent. And she understood to most of the things I said.

But deep down me, I just couldn't trust her to a complete level.

"Hey Mars, do you wanna go to my house today? Few of my friends are going to be there. You know, a small party to celebrate that is Friday." She said with a smile on her face as she took her cellphone out to text someone, probably to let them know of the party.

"I-I don't think so Eleanor, I have hom-homework to do" I said grimacing at my stutter.

"Oh come on, Mars. You can always do it tomorrow." I keep shaking my head, looking down at my shoes.
"Sorry, can't" I answered, noticing that many people where getting out of their classes to go to their next period. The one I was trying to get to, before Eleanor stopped me. Ugh, now was going to be more of a challenge to get there.
"I ha-have to go" I said turning around to where my next class was. When I felt her small hand take hold of my elbow.
"Wait, Marcel. Please don't let me down. I really want you to meet my friends. And there are 2 guys that are new to school, maybe you can get to know them. Please."

Her face was now flushed, making her cheeks look really pink. And there was a small frown between her eyebrows.
I let out a big breath out of my mouth. Well she was begging me and maybe going out for a while won't hurt.
"Okay, okay I will go" I said turning to look at her with a trembling smile.
She was now beaming at me "Perfect" she said.Jumping and hugging me "Thank you, Marcel. You are the best!" I just stood there, frozen, not returning the hug.
"Sorry, sorry!" she said letting go of me. Remembering that I wasn't that confortable with human contact.
"Okay, awesome! I will wait for you Mars. Love you" She said, turning around going to I presume is her next class. And me walking to the opposite direction.

Love you? Me? Ha! The thing with women now days, is that they say these type of words without having any meaning behind them. Me having read many Romantic Novels know that these words, need to have a deeper meaning to them, not just sweet words you say to a str- 

WAIT! I stopped dead in tracks.  

Holy macaroni! I was invited to a party! 

Oh my god, what am I going to wear?


So you know how "Harry was the reason Louis met Eleanor" well this story is the exact opposite, or something along the way. Hope you enjoy it :)

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