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A leaky pipe, long forgotten about, drips nearby. A gruff breathing comes from behind. Your hands are tied back with a rope that rubs harshly on your wrists and your eyes are covered by an old rag. Your mouth is gagged wth another rag that tastes of mold and dust. The figure behind you leans in, saying "all mine," into your ear, his breath hot on your neck. These words have been repeated to you over and over and his calloused fingers glide across your arms. You shrink away at his touch. He chuckles.


A leaky pipe, loud in your ears. Your senses are muffled, making everything you hear and feel have a much bigger impact. You hear quiet footsteps coming up stairs. You stay quiet but a twinge of hope rings out in your chest. The man hears it too, for you can hear him shuffling and the click of metal as he grabs his gun from his pants. You hear him checking the bullets in it and hear the footsteps come closer, the gun rattling in your captors hands. The footsteps stop and the door creaks and the gun shoots. You wince at the loud shot and try to scoot away from it, only to be grabbed by harsh arms.


A leaky pipe, letting only a little water escape at once. Metal meets your skull and your blindfold is pulled from your eyes. You squint at the harsh light and look into the eyes of the police. Your eyes seem to scream, help me, and the police adjust their aim at the man behind you. You can feel his hot breath on your neck again. You can feel the metal of his gun shake against your skull. He's weak, he's afraid, he's anxious. A man walks forward, eyeing the captor. "Ogawa Toson, right?" The captor, now identified as Toson, presses the gun deeper into your skull. "H-How did you find me?" He asks, his voice weak. "And what would your dead mother think, her sweet 'To' about to commit the unthinkable." The man asks, seeming calm as ever. Toson, however, has tears running from his face and onto your shoulder. You flinch as they fall. "All of this, for what? This isn't a game, Toson. This is real life. You kill that innocent girl and she stays dead." A moment of hesitation, that's all the man needed. He sprung forward and disarmed Toson, the gun now aimed at the captor.


A leaky pipe, metal that has been broken down. The man behind you begins to sob and sputter out incoherent phrases. Policemen come to free you and you rise, rubbing your wrists and taking deep breaths. "Are you okay ma'am?" They ask you, and you nod. Sure. Just fine.

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