Chapter 1

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Jake's POV

I just got back from a rough mission and my Grandpa wouldn't stop worrying about me. He says I couldn't handle it, WELL HE'S WRONG! I'm the flipping American Dragon I can handle anything!

"Jake, Fu and I are concerned for yo-"

"Listen G! I can handle myself okay!" I then slipped and tripped down the stairs.

"Handle yourself huh?" I heard Fu dog snicker.

"...shut it Fu!" I yelled getting up,and rubbing my head. I made my way out the door, I needed fresh air.

I sighed and sat on the curb and looked at the stars. That's when I noticed a shadow flying above.

"What the...?" I looked up in confusion. Then I heard crashes.
"Yikes! I should probably know what forget about G! I can handle this myself!" I stood up. "Dragon up!" I then transformed into my dragon form and flew towards the noise.

When I showed up I was surprised to see hunts clan members on the ground unconscious.

"Aw man! I missed all the action!"

"You sure did..." A female voice said behind me.

I turned around in suprise to see a light blue female dragon smirking at me with hers arms crossed.

"Wait wait wait! Who the heck are you fool!?" I said glaring at her.

"I'm the dragon of the north fool." She said mimicking me. "I'm guessing you're the oh so legendary American Dragon?" She said sarcastically.

"That's right!" This girl was starting to get on my temper!

"Well,you aren't doing a good job of showing it." She said rolling her eyes.

"That's it you wanna go!?" I said getting into fighting stance.

"Sure, I already kicked the hunts clans butt it wouldn't hurt to kick yours!" She yelled glaring at me.

"That's it girly you going down!" I said flying at her.

"Oh yeah wanna bet!" She yelled glaring at me. Before I could attack her she flew up which caused me to run into the wall. "Nice moves American Dragon." She said sarcastically.

"You haven't seen nothing yet!" I yelled a little embarrassed. I flew up until we were facing each other. She glared at me and I glared back.

I took a deep breath and realised my fire at her. She just dodged it and realised...ICE AT ME!? She got a good shot and froze my wing, I then started falling.

I was about fifteen feet in the air when I realized that I had fire breath yo! I aimed at my wing and blew a gust of fire at it.

"Hot hot hot!" I yelled flailing my wing. I then gained flight and flew back up until I came face to face with her again. "You have ice breath!?"

"What did you think when I said dragon of the North!?" She yelled glaring at me.

"I never thought there were any different kinds of dragons?" I said.

She was then engulfed by a net. She yelped in suprise and was being pulled down.

"Yo hang on!" I tried to fly after her but I was caught in a net as well.

As soon as we hit the ground hunts clan soilders surrounded us.

"Huntsman will be happy to hear we have captured two dragons." A hunts girl with a blonde braid and blue eyes said glaring at us, which was Rose.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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