Chapter 4

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"Are you sure you are ok-"

"I'm fine," I swallowed, glancing up into caring dark eyes. His eyes were the colour of the ground, kissed by rains in the Springtime, creating a hue that provides hope of life from dormant seeds. Only that hope could cause nascent plants to grow and blossom into vibrant colours of a new season.

Dez still held his comforting arm around me, keeping me stable while I calmed down from the terrorizing experience with Marcus and those men. I hated Marcus and I knew out of spite, he would go straight to Matt. He would tell him lies that I had caused one of his friends to be injured at his party. I grimaced at the thought of how Matt will react and treat me. Especially after the way he was scowling at me when I was dancing with Dez, without a doubt I have already ruined his party.

"Hey," he lifted my chin up with his hand so I could meet his eyes, "I'm sorry I was not here sooner to prevent... this from happening with Marcus and the others. I blame myself, if I had not upset you earlier, inside-"

"You didn't upset me," I cut him off, facing him front on, "I was... Dez, you know I'm with Matt." I glanced down at my hands. I could not look him in the eyes while I continued, "I'm not the type to be unfaithful, I... can't do that to Matt. I... I love him and he loves m-"

"Oh yeah" he scoffed before I snapped my eyes up to meet his angry, blazing eyes, "he loves you so much that he would mark your skin in bruises while fucking other girls behind your back."

I inhaled quickly while trying to blink away the wetness that started to well up in my eyes. I had some suspicions he may have been with other women at different times but I never knew for certain. I know he wouldn't have gone after other women if I had dressed up the way he wanted or not upset him when I've whined to him about the way I felt. How could Dez understand? It's people like him that don't understand, they can't comprehend the amount of love I have for Matt and how I see him like no one else does.

I see him first thing in the mornings when he wakes up beside me and smiles at me like I'm the most beautiful sight he has ever seen. There have been many moments when I have fallen ill or have had cramps from my womanly time of the month and he has been there to look after me and treat me like I'm the most precious gift in his life. It is in those moments that I know he is a good man, which makes me realise it is the little things I do that annoy or trouble him.

I have to be less judging of him when he acts out in rage towards me. Like me, he has no parents. Matt never spoke too much about his family, as it is too hard for him to contemplate how they could abandon their son. He has always been a lone survivor, getting through the rest of his years at high school, getting through his courses in boiler making before finding work at the closest steel fabrication company. He managed to pay for his first house before inviting me to move in with him. We get by on his income; well I know we do even though I have never seen his wages. Everything comes through on his computer. We hardly get mail, and when we do he takes it away into his study. I couldn't go on his computer and even if I did, I don't know his passwords to gain access. The only notion I have of the money he earns is through the weekly cash he gives me to do shopping. When I return I give him the change and the receipts so he knows what I've bought for us. I don't mind, because when we do go out, if there is something I want he will buy it for me. He is sweet in that way.

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