Chapter 6

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As I sat on the couch sipping on my coffee and I thought about everything through and through. Amongst everything and everyone Niall caught my attention. It was like the boy was a source of information and I just know that with my brain, I can understand more that what he wants to convey.

One thing is clear that Niall is innocent. He's not aware of anything what's going on in his family and he needs a friend.

Yes, maybe I can use this to my advantage and extract some information from him. Yes, that's morally incorrect, but my profession is like that only.

I roamed around with my mind full of thoughts. This case has just started to grab my attention. Suddenly something struck my mind. I remembered Niall telling me since when his family has begun to get strange, but he was cut off by that silly doorbell. So now there's a change in my plan.

I went to my room and sat down on the study table and started scribbling on my diary again. I highlighted Niall's name and made notes of the conversation I had with him. So now my aim was to develop trust in Niall.I have to make sure that he considers me his best friend.


The next morning after finishing my breakfast, I called Louis and give the entire information about the Styles'

"So what do you think?" I asked him after finishing with my briefing.
"I guess you're right. That boy can be very useful to us. But you've got to be careful, these people are much more dangerous than you think."
"What do you mean?"
"Never underestimate your opinions. Rest you're smart enough to understand."
"Fine! I'll make sure about that." I said while looking at the knife that was in my pocket earlier. This man really thinks I'm foolish.
"Ok then, best of luck and make sure to tell me about the progress."
"Sure, goodbye," and I hung up. Huh! So let's begin this day.


The door opened and I found Kendall staring at me.

"Am here to meet Mrs. Styles," I said rudely.

To my surprise Kendall didn't snap back, actually she didn't even say anything, she just went away like that. After a few minutes, Anne came downstairs and after seeing me still standing at the door she gestured me to come in. I went inside and wished her good morning.

"It's afternoon already dear," she said again beaming at me with her everlasting smile.
"Um... sorry. Actually I was here to meet Niall."

Anne eyed me suspiciously as if she had caught my intentions, but then she spoke, "Um why anything important?"
"No... no actually I came to give him this chocolate," I said as I showed her the big bar that was in my hand.
"What for?"
"Well mam, your son's a genius. He beat me 10 times in chess and so he gets a chocolate."
"But there's no need for that dear."
"No there is. So where's Niall?"
"He's upstairs, you just sit here I'll call him."
"Sure," I nodded in agreement.

As I was waiting for Niall,I saw a shadow on the floor. As I turned around a tall boy with brown curly hair and green eyes , he was indeed very attractive, was coming downstairs. As soon as he looked at me his eyes turned small and pure anger was on hid face.

"Who are you?" He said as he walked towards me?
"That's not a nice way to talk to your guests sir." I said with a smirk.
"First, you're not my guest and second nobody tells me how to talk in my house."
"That's so rude. Doesn't looks like Anns has taught you any manners."
"Who are you and how do you know my mother?"

"Ask her 'cause I'm not your guest right? So why should I answer you?" I said as I brushed past him and went towards Niall who was by the time present in the hall.

"Hey  genius," I said as I pulled his cheeks.
"Hi Smarty," he replied pulling back my cheeks.
"Yeah... only a smart person would come back and reward the winner."
"So Mrs. Anne told you."
"No, she didn't, but I can see that chocolate in your hands and I know that's for me."
"You're actually a genius. Here you go." I said as I handed him the chocolate.

As I turned around, I found his elder brother glaring at me.
Author's note
So who do you think is the weirdest character uptil now? Do tell me through your comments

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