Part 2

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Dani's POV (Melani Above)
I pulled into school as the tardy bell rang. I slowly got off my bike and took off my helmet. I made it a point not to get a late slip and just kept walking. As I slowly walked through the empty hallways eating my apple I ran into the retarded Queen Barbie, Melani and her little plastic army. "Ughhh girls form a wall around me, I can't stand to get tainted today." She said turning to walk away. "Melani is that you?!", I asked feigning surprise,"I thought you were the missing circus clown." Melani gasped and turned around on her 3 inch heels. She scoffed and tried to come up with something slick but instead she said, "At least I'm not as ugly as you!" I laughed and shot back, "Sweetie I think you have a face on your makeup." Melani gave me the evil eye and stomped off with her little minions. I laughed softly and walked into my first period English class. "Ms. Richards, you are late," barked Mr. Henry. I took a bow and walked to my seat in the back. "Would you like to tell us why you are late?" Mr. Henry questioned. "Well Mr. H that is a funny story. I woke up and my sister told me to go to hell, so I got ready , but I got held up by some traffic and now I'm here, in hell like my sister told me," I said with a smirk. "Ms. Richards, see me in detention, today." I laughed and propped my feet up on the desk. "As usual", I replied. I slept through most of class, another one of my many jobs. After class I got up shook Mr. Henry's hand and told him I appreciated the detention but it would have to be rescheduled, I already had plans for tonight. He just sighed and told me tomorrow after school or else. I smirked and made a mental note not to go to school tomorrow, not that I was planning on it anyway. I went to my favorite period, lunch. I got my pizza and and a soda, then went and sat with my best friend, Lexie. "Hey Dani," she chirped happily when I sat down. "Why are you so happy Lex?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow. "Well today Lance Taylor smiled at me!!" She squealed. I chuckled and rolled my eyes at my boy crazy best friend. Lance Taylor is the poster boy for good boy at my school. In other words I hate him. Lexie was droning on and on about how perfect he his, when all of the sudden she went quiet. I looked up from shoveling my pizza into my mouth to see Melani walking towards our table with her little boy toy Carter Wells in tow. "Cartie, this girl was being mean to me today!!" She whined. I gave her a salute and said, "I was just complementing your cake-face!" Carter glared at me and just walked away but Melani stayed. She slapped her hands down on the table and growled, "If I were you I would shut up." I got up to my full height, a towering 5'11 and looked down at her 5'2 figure. "Really, why don't you make me." I shot back with a smile. Then Melani did something I least expected, she reached up and slapped me! 20 seconds later I had her on the ground pummeling her with my fist and a group had gathered around yelling "Fight! Fight!" She attempted to fight back and scratched me across the face with her 4 inch stiletto acrylics and they broke. I punched, she slapped. After she slapped me for the 5th time I just reeled back and punched her in the nose until I heard the crack that tells me it broke. Satisfied I got off of her and walked out of the cafeteria. About 45 minutes later I left the school, suspended for 6 days.

 About 45 minutes later I left the school, suspended for 6 days

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Dani 👆🏻
Melani 👇🏻

(A/N) ~ Lexie is a boy crazy girl, but when it comes to partying, her and Dani are exactly alike

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(A/N) ~ Lexie is a boy crazy girl, but when it comes to partying, her and Dani are exactly alike. Love y'all ✌🏻️

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