Untitled Part 3

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Once I got home I yelled to my sister, "Aye Vanessa, Me suspendieron de la escuela por seis días."  I heard a plate drop and she replied, "Por qué?" "Me metí en una pelea." (translations on bottom of page) "¿A quién le perfora," she questioned, "Algunos de Barbie llamado Melani," I replied. Like my Hispanic mother, my sister Vanessa speaks no English. Unlike me she was born in Mexico, when my mom married my deadbeat American dad, who is currently in jail, they moved to America and they were then cursed with me. "Buen trabajo , ella no sabe que meterse con usted no más" she said coming out of the kitchen with some chips. "Sí", I laughed.
"Aprendí algo de Inglés en la clase de hoy" she said excitedly. "Cool , ¿qué aprendió?" I replied. "Hello, my name is Vanessan Micheála Richards, I am 18 years old!" "Good job!" She tilted her head at me wondering what I said and I translated in Spanish for her. (Time Skip 2 hours) "Tengo que ir a una fiesta , te amo bye" she looked up from her phone and just groggily nodded. I ran up my stairs to get ready for the blacklight party my friend Kylie was having at some abandoned warehouse her parents bought for her. I called Lexie and she was at my house in an instant with her glowing face paint kit. In about an hour I had my whole body painted. Blacklight parties are some of the very few times I wear things like crop tops and shorts, and the only place I go without my motorcycle.
Lexie only painted her face and hands in a henna type design and we left. My mom wouldn't be coming home until 9:30 tomorrow morning and my dad, well he won't be home for another 20 years. My dad got arrested for drug dealing with the biggest drug route in the world. He used to own a storage warehouse, it was huge. Over 500 garages in it, 250 of them were filled with the drugs he sold. We used to be so happy, we had a lot of money, more than enough, but he was caught. More than half of his employees were in on the job, they all went to jail. None of my family members knew about it. My mom and the 30 employees left out of 150 work at the facility now, we still have a lot of money but my mom is very distant nowadays, sometimes it's like she's not even there, but Vanessa is a great sister and takes good care of me. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize we were there until I heard the bass thumping that jolted me back into reality. There were kids passed out in the streets and a shady looking guy who seemed to be selling drugs on the side of the road. We hopped out of the car and ran up to the warehouse, I showed the guy at the front the iMessage I got inviting me to the party and went inside.

A-N The next chapter will be in Lance's POV so it will make the next few parts make more sense.
Dani's outfit

*"Me suspendieron de la escuela por seis días

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*"Me suspendieron de la escuela por seis días. ~ I got suspended from school for six days.
"Por qué?" ~ Why?
"Me metí en una" ~ I got into a fight
"¿A quién le perfora," ~ With who
"Algunos de Barbie llamado Melani," ~ Some Barbie named Melani
"Buen trabajo , ella no sabe que meterse con usted no más" ~ Good job, she knows not to mess with you no more
"Sí" ~ Yea
"Aprendí algo de Inglés en la clase de hoy" ~ I learned some English in class today
"Cool , ¿qué aprendió ? " ~ Cool, what did you learn
"Tengo que ir a una fiesta , te amo bye" ~ I have to go to a party, I love you bye

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