Chapter 1

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Above is the picture of the outfit that Betty wore for her first day of Grade 9. Cute isn't it?
"Goodnight Betty!" My mom cooed and planted a kiss on my forhead.

She sauntered towards the wooden door of my room and flashed me a genial smile before switching off the lights and closing the door behind her.

I was left alone in total darkness. An unsettling feeling began to brew at the pit of my stomach.

Peaking out of my cozy comforter, I saw a slender tall figure in the far distance where my buerue stood.

I shut my eyes close and mutterd a prayer under my breath. Slowly, opening my eye lids, the figure vanished.

Heaving a sigh, I threw my head back in relief and tightened my grip around the edges of the comforter.

I've decided to close my eyes hoping that I'd fall asleep. My peace was disturbed by the creaking sound of the cupboard.

My eyes were trained on the cupboard.

As my eyes adjusted to the dark room, the figure became more clearer. It examined me for three whole minutes before striding towards me.

Sweat trickled down my forhead causing my curly hair to cling to my face uncomfortably.

"Shoo go away you monster!" I said groggily.

The 'monster' not fazed by my hostility continued trotting in my direction.

I staggered backwards and stumbled off the bed and landed on my side. I've always been afraid of what was under the bed.

A pair of neon green eyes met mine. I jerked off my landing position as quickly as possible and hit my head hard against the concrete wall.

'Ouch' I whined softly, gingerly rubbing the throbbing area at the back of my head.

After a couple of minutes, the 'monster' that was coming towards me was gone.

I cautiously checked under the bed. The pair of neon green eyes disappeared.

I walked towards my bed and huddled under the comforter. I glanced at my room once before deciding to close my eyes again.

"Not today Betty." The whispered voice sniggered.

A shudder skittered down my spine and I scowled. I decided to ignore it.

"Come with me" the whispered voice continued.

"Why don't you come with me." The proximity of its voice was so close that it sent a flash of heat waves through my body.

"Come with me." The whispered voice firmly commanded.

Beep! Beep! Beep! rang the alarm clock as I jerked off my sleeping position. 'It was just a dream' I muttered to myself. Huffing out a huge sigh of relief, I jumped off my bed to get ready for school. Year Nine. I couldn't believe it- "Betty, I hope you are awake!" My mom screamed from the bottom of the staircase interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes! Yes! I am awake" I responded tying a knot on my left shoe lace. I glanced at myself in the full length mirror and did a mini check to verify that my skirt was appropriate for class. A plain white slim sweater and a black denim skirt with a Gucci belt to finish the look. I finally nodded in agreement to the verification.

Trotting down the stairs, I was greeted by the scrumptious scent of chocolate waffles. I downed the waffles in minutes and my mom looked at me in awe. "Don't you think you ate that a little too fast?" She voiced out the expression that was on her face.

"Mhmm" I replied dreamily thinking of that finished waffle.

The sound of the nearby engine approached closer to the house. "That's your school bus." My mom said pointing out the window.

I got off my chair and wore my bag pack still upset that the waffles were finished.

"You go have a good day now." My mom said embracing me into a hug.

"Okay" I said giving her a toothy grin.

I rode onto the bus. "Omg Hi Bet!" Jane and Elizabeth greeted me in excitement. "Hi!" I said returning back the greet cheer fully. "Hey Bet!" Jack said waving. "Come sit next to me." He patted on the vacant spot next to him. I nodded in agreement and proceeded to sit next to him.

Elizabeth, Jane and Jack were my best friends. We go way back; kindergarten. I loved how our friendship was and I would not trade it for the world.

The bus came to a halt in front of my school- Serendipity High. I felt butterflies in my stomach as we exited the bus. Teachers greeted us as we entered the main gate of the school. Assembly was going to start in a couple more minutes. The students in grade nine formed a line that indicated the beginning of assembly.

The day in school passed by very quickly and Jack is supposed to drop by in a few moments. Yes, my mum still believed that I needed a so called baby sitter. Jack was supposedly mine, thanks to my mum. Jack was just two years older than I was.

I thought of having a quick shower before Jack came by. I placed the phone on my bed next to my change of clothes in case he called.

I took off my clothes and wrapped a towel around my body and proceeded to the shower. Singing my heart out to the song Riptide I didn't notice the presence of a person. "Holy Wackamoles! I'm so sorry Bet!" Jack closed his eyes in a hurry and rushed out slamming the door behind him. I stood there dumbfounded as the water trickled down my back.

Yeah, Jack my childhood friend just saw me butt-ass naked.


To be continued!
The difference in the first chapter is that Betty was actually dreaming before she woke up.
I hope it wasn't too confusing and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please do comment and let me know how the story is going.
Much appreciated xox.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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