16. Someone Always Gets Hurt

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(A/N - first of two updates today!  Enjoy, my darlings!!!  xx )


Harry’s POV

I left school and went home.  I didn’t want to be there anymore.  I lay on my bed and held the ice pack over my eye.  I knew about Josh’s hatred towards people who are gay, but I never thought he would actually hit me; his own cousin.  I knew this would all go wrong.



I was sitting in physics and the teacher informs us that we have a new student.

“Please introduce yourself.”

“My name is Nick Grimshaw.  I’m 18.  Just moved here from Newcastle and I’m gay” He smiled.  I was kind of shocked how he could just be so open like that, but at the same time envious.  I heard Josh mumble something under his breath, a derogatory statement no doubt. 

Nick took the empty seat next to me and introduced himself.  He was really nice and outgoing.  We spent the entire class just talking about random things and it was so easy, like we have been friends for ages.

When the bell rang signaling class was over, all of the students rushed out of the door.  I took my time like I always do.  I noticed Nick waiting for me.  I bent over to put my books in my bag.

“Oh that’s nice” I heard Nick say and then reach down and hold my now exposed necklace in the palm of his hand.  Shit it must have fallen out when I bent over.  He flipped it over and saw her name.  I pulled away and tucked it back in my shirt.

“Do you have a daughter?” He asked.  What was I going to do?  Lie.  No I couldn’t lie to a potential new friend.  He has been the only person that has talked to me without worrying about what other people would think.  So I decided I would tell him basics.

“Ummm…not yet.  She will be born in a few months” I say and can’t help but to smile.  He smiles in return.

“That’s awesome.  But I bet it’s scary.  You’re still a teenager.  How is your girlfriend taking it?”

“Oh…um…I don’t have a girlfriend actually.” Now he is being too investigative.  Please just leave it at that.

“Yikes…so you just got some girl pregnant…one night stand?” I paused and I think he noticed my hesitation and discomfort.

“Sorry.  I’m naturally inquisitive.  You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want.”

“Well it is a very complicated story.” I replied and pulled my bag over my shoulder.

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