Luke Learns More About Taylor

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The rest of the day Alyssa kept bugging Taylor to text Luke. All Taylor would do is shake her head at her. She needed to pray first before she did anything.

When Taylor goes to lunch she sits down in her usual place with Alyssa, Mathew, Maddy and her other friends. But soon someone else joins them.

"Hey! Do you mind if I sit with you guys today?" Luke asks excitedly.

"Of course Luke. We always have room for more." Maddy says smiling.

Taylor begins to get nervous and can feel an anxiety attack coming. She knows she has to leave. Quickly, before she embarrasses herself. "Sorry guys, but I forgot I have to do something during lunch. I'll see you guys later."

"Bye!" All her friends say simultaneously. Well, all of them except Luke.

"Taylor! Wait, I'll go with you." He calls out before Taylor gets too far away.

When Luke catches up to Taylor he can see in her eyes something's wrong. And he knows right then that he wants to help her, no matter what.

"Please!" Taylor begs. "Just leave me alone. I just want to be alone right now!" At this point Taylor was almost in tears.

As Taylor begins to walk away, Luke watches her and silently follows her. He watches her go into the choir room and go into one of the practice rooms. His heart broke as he saw her collapse on the floor and start crying.

He was getting ready to barge into the room and comfort her when he saw her pull out her phone and touch something. Soon Luke hears music beginning to play. He can barely hear it because it's so quiet, but that doesn't matter when Taylor begins to sing.

"When you're broken in a million little pieces and you're trying, but you can't hold on anymore. Every tear falls down for a reason, don't you stop believing in yourself. When your broken." Taylor sings beautifully.

Luke was in awe. He couldn't believe she could sing like that. He knew she was in choir, but he didn't go to the concerts. He would much rather hang out with friends or stay at his house with his family.

As Luke watched Taylor sing with everything she had, he could see how important music was to her. He watched as her eyes began to dry up and she stopped crying. Luke had no idea that music could do that to anyone. He only thought that music could make you cry. Now he knew that it could also do the opposite.

As Taylor finished singing Luke walked into the room she was in. When Taylor hears the door open she looks up. When she see it's Luke she puts her head down in her lap.

"How much did you see?" She asks quietly.

"All of it. I followed you down here. I'm really sorry. I didn't know." He says turning to leave.

"Luke!" Taylor calls out. "Don't go yet. I should probably explain."

Luke stops and turns around and then shuts the door. He nods. "Yeah. You probably should."

"I have anxiety really bad. And I felt an anxiety attack coming on and I knew I had to leave to calm down. Then you stopped me and made it worse. I know you didn't mean to, so don't feel bad. This is just the way I am. Music is the one thing that always makes me feel better. It's the one thing that takes away the pain. But it only takes away the pain for so long." As Taylor finishes she looks at him with tears in her eyes.

"Wow. I had no idea. I'm here for you whenever you need me. Even if it's just to listen. I'm here."

Taylor looks at Luke and smile. "That means a lot to me. I might have to take you up on your offer." Taylor says giggling.

Luke chuckles. "Hey, we better get to class."

Taylor nods and they head to their next class together.

Author's Note
The song that Taylor was singing was "Broken" by Lindsey Haun. It is one of my all time favorite songs and you should definitely listen to it. Also. Thank you for reading this story!! Don't forget to vote and comment!! I love you all for giving my story a chance.

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