chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Staring at the fan on the ceiling Michelle Baxter could not but help to relate to the forever spinning fan. Spinning round and around then faster and faster. never knowing when the spinning would stop for someone else was in control.

Shighing heavily Michelle plopped on her bed thinking about the mess she called her life. She had just started her junior year of high school and she felt like a total outcast. Only two weeks into the school year and she still had no friends. The only person she talked to at school was her little sister Angela. That was the least of her problems not having any friends. Her main stress was her ex boyfriend Danual Davidson, who she just re recently broke up with. Michelle meet Danual during summer vacation and thought him to be deliciously handsome.

The day they meet should have been a warning sign for Michelle. Michelle and her friend Lizzy where going to go see the new harry potter movie (harry potter and the half blood prince).  They had five hours until the movie started and decided to go to Lizz's boy toy James place. Lizz told Michelle in advance to bring her swim suit for he had a pool, and to Michelle it sounded like fun.  They get there and Michelle runs into the sexy peiece of man hunk. She did what any 16 year old girl would do when faced in this situation. She froze in spot and stared. She could not help her self, for she was seeing a boy about her age with an knee buckling smile infringement of her. He had dirty blond hair and hazel eyes, and was about 5 "8. Which was perfect to Michelle for age was only 5"5.

Michelle ends up inviting both James and Danial, aka the man hunk, to go see the movie with her and Lizz. by the time they get to the movie Michelle is making out with Danial and he has already said those three letter words. I. Love. You.

Michelle should have kown that when he said those three little words it was a warning.

" Auggggggg life is so complicated." Michelle sighs coming back to the present. It never seems fair in life. you think you don.d a sweet boy your age and he turns out to be a possessive jerk. Michelle looks at the time at realises its getting late, it was 11:30 and she had school in the morning. She turns off the lights and snuggles into bed praying that something good will happen the next day. Who knows maybe she will make a friend.

The next morning she woke to her mom yelling."Michelle wake up your going to be late for seminary."

'Auggggggg I hate seminary'  Michelle thought to herself. Seminary was at 6 am and she had to wake up at 5 to get ready and go. 'Stupid Mormon church functions.' she thinks as she gets dressed. She skips the shower knowing she would not have time because it was already 5:30 Brushing her hair she looks into the merro.She had short blond hair that came up to her chin, lips that were full and red, and she had carmel brown eyes. Michelle knew she was pretty, but with four sisters always bringing her down she always wished she was prettier. looking at the time she sighs. like alwasy she going to be 10 minutes late.

Michelles mom takes her and her little sister Angela to seminary. The frist thing she does when she gets there is fall alseep untill school starts at 7:30.

Michelle always lookes foward to first period, art, it was her passion in life. Thats where she feels she belongs. there hasnt been a year when Michelle has not taken art. After Art the day drags by then you get to lunch. "I'm starving.' she says walking out her U.S History c lass towards the cafateria. Michelle got her food and sat down in the shad out side like she did every day. but today was diffrent. today a group of kids where seated on the benches infront of Michelle and one of the girls saw her. Michelle was about to get up to leave, bit she was to late. the girl came up to her and  reachd out her hand.

"Hi my name is Chelsie Manrow. Who are you."

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