chapter 3

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1 month later

Michelle wakes up from a text message  from Chelsie. " hey girl you got your homework all done, I need help with mine." Michelle sighs. it wa good having a friend but Chelsie was a piece of work.

through outta he month that she has known her Michelle realized that they both were more alike then eather of them expected. Chelsie was raped and molested when she was younger and Michelle was molested but her father when she was 2 to 3 years of age. Michelle didn't hold it against her father because she knew that he has a mental illness. she hasn't seen her father since. now she has a step father that she despised and 4 sisters that bully her. well make that 3 sisters for Angela she didn't mind so much. that was her baby sister that she loved to death. but Tina, Natalie, and Krystal all bullied her. not that Michelle herself didn't make their lives herself she gave it back ten fold.

thinking about her family always made her feel grumpy. she was the black sheep in the family and she never fit on any where she goes. that is why it was so awesome that she met Chelsie . she finally felt like she belonged.

looking at the time she fused. time to wake up and go to school. it was 5:30 in the morning and she was late getting up. moms going to be upset with me' she sighs.

hours later

mychelle is waiting for 1st period to start and with all her friends. they wore talking about going to the fair this weekend. Michelle wished she could go. Angela is planing on going with her boyfriend josh and Chelsie is going with her family. 'god I hope mom makes me go with Angela to chaperone. I really want to go to win o Brandons heart. at first Brandon wasn't Michelle's type bit the guy grew on her. it sucked because she had a lot of competition.

Michelle couldn't wait to get home so that way she could ask herm on. more like beg. the hours flue by and mychelle was finally home. yet her mother was not.

"what do you think moms going to say " Angela asked on a excited whisper. " I don't no I hope she says yes. I haunt had a lot of fun for ages." michelle rooted to her sister.

"ain't that the truth sis. infill now you never went out. with mom knowing.g that she has to say yes." wit that said both of them waited patiently for their mom to get home.

an hour went by and the front door opens and their mom walks in. " hey mom can me and Michelle go to the fair on Saturday. I think it will be fun for Michelle since she never goes out.  " Angela asked.

"sure why not I'll drop you guys off and pick you up at 10:30." their mom said.

both Michelle and Angela where jumping up and down in excitment. "thank you,thank you, thank you. " they both squealed. and both huged their mom.

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