Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

As Zuko laid down to sleep, he realized he felt an unusual swelling in his pants, an arousal that didn't happen very much to him. He was never relaxed enough to get this feeling. He stood up and slipped his pants off. Laying back down on his bed, he didn't bother to pull the blankets up to his chest like he always did. He placed his hands on his stomach and lightly caressed his slender and muscular body. Chills ran up his body from the pleasure that he allowed himself.

He suddenly took his hands to his throat and squeezed lightly, feeling his grasp on his throat turned him on more. He reached down to his now throbbing erection and stroked himself slowly. A moan escaped from his mouth as he gasped. He closed his eyes and pictured Sokka. Sokka had a lean and muscular body, his abs were prominent. Zuko imagined him standing in water, with just a short pair of shorts on. He began to move his hand faster as he imagined water dripping down Sokka's body, his hair down and soaked falling in his face.

Moaning now, Zuko arched his back allowing himself to be taken completely by the pleasure he felt. The image in his mind stayed and improved as he began to imagine touching Sokka, running his hands across his body and biting his flesh softly. Sweat dripped across his body as he spent more energy pleasuring himself to ecstasy. Sokka's face appeared in his mind, his sculpted face begging for Zuko's touch, for Zuko. With his free hand he grabbed the sheets next to him and gripped them tightly as he was losing control of his body.

His legs trembled as he tensed his muscles and curled his toes. He was now moaning quite loudly, not caring who heard. With Sokka in his head and his hand pleasuring him, he didn't care. All that mattered now was releasing his passion all over his stomach, releasing it for Sokka. Zuko moaned and bit his bottom lip, thrusting his hips up. Finally, he reached his climax, drawing in a sharp breath of air and opening his eyes he held his breath and came all over himself. He moaned quite loudly and tensed every muscle in his body.

He relaxed, letting his sweat drenched body fall to his bed. He took deep breaths, closing his eyes and imagining himself kissing Sokka passionately. A smile painted itself on his face as his heart warmed to the thought. He pulled the covers to his chest, fluffed up his pillow, and drifted into sleep.


"Zuko, are you awake?" Aang's voice bombarded into Zuko's mind as he dreamt about Sokka at his side. He opened his eyes slightly to see his door cracking open. Aangs face appeared and he smiled. "You are awake. We are all waiting for you."

"Alright, I'll be there shortly." He said as he sat up and began to get out of bed, then he realized he never put his pants back on. Aang looked at him and smiled.

"Good." He said as he closed the door and ran to the breakfast table.

"That was a close one." Zuko whispered to himself. He stood up, naked. His hair was messy as he searched for clothes to wear. Finally, he decided on a pair of pants and a shirt. Both were red, with bright yellow trimming. He slipped them on and walked to his mirror. He combed his hair out and washed his face in his basin of water. He looked as good as ever, and felt better than he had for a long time.

"There you are, we have been waiting." He heard Katara say as all their heads turned to Zuko.

"Good morning. I'm sorry for the wait."

"Oh its fine, I don't like mornings either." Sokka stated as he rubbed his still tired eyes. Damn, he was so cute when he was tired. Well, Sokka was cute all the time.

"Good morning Sokka." Zuko chuckled as he found his seat at the head of the table. Breakfast had been laid out but everyone had waited for him before they ate anything. "Thank you all for waiting, but you didn't need to."

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