The Night it All Started On

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I'm sooooo sowey!!!>~< *bows down to all of you*... I totally forgot I was publishing in here...I have really bad memory ^-^''s the second chapter...hope ya'll like it ^=w=^)/
Winter night. My favorite season and time of the day. Nice, peaceful silence
in the dead of the winter darkness. Beautiful freshly fallen snow that wraps like a
blanket around the town and the forest surrounding it. I see everything from the old
oak tree on mountain cliff I'm always perched on, I'm practically the guardian of the
town. I also found it very weird that this type of tree grew at such altitude and in
this foundation, but oh well, as long I have somewhere to call a home.
The view was great, and an awesome place to take off in the night sky for a
flight, and so I did. Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking. 'A demon going to
terrorize the town that he has set his evil looking eyes on.' But it was nothing like
that. I just liked flying in the quiet night when the moon is full and the stars are
shining brightly. Just like tonight.
It's actually a pretty good weather if you ask me. The weather is perfect right
now that I feel like I could do this all day. Flying around, doing loops, bursting
through the clouds, and free falling. I wouldn't trade this life for anything in the
world. Would you? But it was time for me to go the market to get some food. Yes,
of course I need food too, but not imanities, geez, no faith in me whatsoever. I flew
down and landed near the town's entrance but far enough so that no one, that didn't
live in this town and didn't know me, would see me. The towns people know who
and what I am. Even with that knowledge, they still treat me nicely.
Before it use to be, 'RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!'; 'THE DEMON IS HERE!';
'KILL THE BEAST!' and whatnot. But I mean, I look like a imanity, I talk like a
imanity, and I eat imanity food. Yet they still called me a beast when they first
caught me! I didn't care cause I was already use to it. After some time in captivity
they started to warm up to me and they let me come into their town whenever I
wanted. A great life for a demon.
WHACHU THINK!?!?...I know...I'm sorry...I'm such just stop...I'm suck at this...very badly...;^;...
Please tell me wha you guys really think and if I should continue...byeee ^=3=^♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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