9. Surprise losing

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Chapter nine

(5 votes and 3 comments for #10)

Harry's POV

Louis and I were sitting on my bed cuddling.

I stared at him in awe. I couldn't take my eyes off him, he was just to gorgeous.

I slowly leant in and let my lips brush his. He reacted to my move and connected our lips.

The kiss was passionate and soon got rough and filled with lust.

Louis hands started roaming all over my body. His tongue slipped into my mouth and he squeezed my bum.

I squeezed his in response and his waist slowly rubbed into mine. I grinded into him and felt my pants grow tighter. I moaned when I felt his hard on rubbing against my boner.

I sat up in my bed sweating.

I looked down at myself and saw a bulge in my pyjamas.

It has already come so far that I had hot dreams of Louis and I've only known him for a day.

This boy is driving me crazy.


After I had my breakfast, I got into my car to pick up Niall and Liam.

As I approached the Horan family's house, I saw Niall and Liam waiting on Niall's doorstep.

I guess Liam had swung over to make picking up for me easier or just to see Niall a little longer. Maybe both.

I pulled into Niall's driveway and stopped in front of the veranda.

They both got in the car. Surprisingly both in the back, I guess they want to be closer to each other.

"And how is Louis?", Niall asked. "You didn't even phone me afterwards"

"I got home really late sorry", I started the engine and pulled out of the Horan's drive into the street. "He's a really cool lad, after he'd finished work we went over to have some pizza and had a nice chat."

"Sounds cool, maybe we should all just go and hang out together. You, Niall, Zayn, Louis and me, wouldn't that be cool?", Liam now got into the conversation.

Niall nodded happily, with a big grin plastered onto his face. He was seriously crushing on Liam.

"Let's see if we can get them to meet up tomorrow sometimes", I laughed while I pulled into the parking lot of the school.


In Ms. Brien's lesson Liam and I told her about our meetings with our pen friends. She seemed kind of proud and scribbled something into her notebook.

Some other kids presented their letters in this lesson, but it was nothing that interesting.

The lesson passed very quickly and soon I was on my way to the school front door with Niall and Liam.

I walked up to my car and saw a familiar looking body standing next to it leaning against an old Volkswagen.

"Louis!", I ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Aww, you two get on well, nah?", Liam cooed.

Louis blushed in a deep shade of red, his arms still firmly wrapped around my waist. He slowly loosened his arms around my torso and I also let go of him.

"Let's go somewhere!", I pushed Louis towards his car. "Guys!", I turned around again to face Liam and Niall. "You guys please drive my car back to either Niall's or your place, Liam and I'll pick it up later, ok?"

They both nodded and got into my car, Liam on the drivers seat.

They were soon gone and Louis pulled me towards the car. He sat down behind the steering wheel and I sat next to him.

First we drove in silence, but it wasn't that kind of awkward silence.

When Louis hand slightly brushed my thigh as he changed the gear, I felt this tingly feeling, that I had felt yesterday again. This boy seriously drives me crazy.

"Want to go to my place again?", Louis eventually broke the silence.

I nodded and looked down at him.

Two of his hands were clutching the steering wheel, his beautiful sky blue eyes faced the road, slightly squinted as if he couldn't see that well as he manoeuvred us through the street, his brown feathery fringe lightly put up in a quiff but falling down again and partly hanging into his forehead.

"Stop staring at me", Louis exclaimed.

"Why should I?", I used the same flirty method as I used with girls. I want make this boy mine so badly. Yesterday evening I've thought about the fact that I might be gay, I never had a real crush on a girl and I've now fallen from head to toe for Louis. I didn't have that much of a problem with myself being gay.

"Because I can't concentrate on the road.", Louis slowly pulled into a parking space along the road.

"That's not even the district where you live in Louis", I was still trying to get my eyes of him but I couldn't.

"I know, but I couldn't do this while driving, right?", he leaned over me, placing one hand on my right thigh and slowly brushing his lips against mine. I slowly hoovered towards him and pressed our lips firmly together. The kiss deepened, but after a while Louis pulled away. I could see tears sparkling in his eyes, even though he looked out of his window.

"Could you... G-Get o-out please?", he choked and unlocked the car. Wow, that hurt, first he kisses me and makes me feel amazing and then he throws me out of his car. I opened the door and when I slung the door shut I heard a quiet "I'm so sorry, Haz", lingering in the air.

I got onto the pavement and started walking, I didn't care of it was the right direction, it didn't matter to me now, all that mattered was Louis. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, I wanted to help him, because obviously there was something on his mind.

I pulled out my phone.

To: Louis

Hey, I'm sorry for the kiss can't we just idk hang out again and you tell me what's on your mind? I just want to help

Harry xx

I hope he responds soon.


A/N: I hope this is not to short but I'm kinda having a writers block but I still felt like I have to give you an update sooo here it is.


Ok ily thanks for reading it means a lot xx

Vote, comment and fan please xx

- Franci

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