12. Coming back

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Chapter twelve

(6 votes and 4 comments for number 13)

Harry's POV

I got woken up by a knock on the door. It's saturday why would anyone bother waking me up? I let out a growl and turned away from the door. The door swung open and I could hear it hit the wall. "Mum, what do you want?", I mumbled into my pillow as I slumped it over my face. "There's someone here for you, should I send him up?"

"Who is it mum? Niall or Liam? Taylor?"

"No, no and no. He said he's Louis and he also told me that it's ok if you don't want to talk to him."

Shit it's Lou. I cant show myself to him all bed hair and morning breath

"Send him up please", shit Harry what are you doing.

I wanted to call my mother back, but she had already left the room.

A knock on the door made me lift up my head from my mattress.

Louis was standing in the doorway, looking down at his shoes. His fringe was hanging into his eyes and he shyly peeked through the goldish hair. I could spot bags under his eyes and he seemed to suffer under a lack of sleep. A grey shirt was hanging loosely from his shoulders and he was wearing joggers that were rolled up at the end, so they showed his deeply tanned skin and a little tattoo I couldn't identify. His feet were stuck in kind of fuchsia vans and I noticed he wasn't wearing socks even though it wasn't that warm outside.

"Take a picture it'd last longer", Louis' words made me snap out of my trance,  I guess I got to fascinated by him.

"Hi, Louis", my voice sounded rough and dark.

"I really like your morning voice, Curly", he took a step towards my chair.

Noticing I hadn't moved since my mum woke me up, I quickly sat up and patted the space next to me, telling Louis to sit down.

Louis' eyes started roaming over my naked upper body and then he examined my face and hair, it seemed like he was sucking in every single detail.

The bed made some kind if weird noise as he sat down next to me.

"So about yesterday?", I brought up the topic I had thought about nonstop since the day before.

"I'm really sorry about that. I got scared and ran off. Something in the past has happened and that's why I'm so scared.", Louis looked down at his crossed ankles tracing his finger over the tattoos on his arm.

"You want to talk about it?", the look on his face just made me want to kiss him and make him happy again.

He shook his head quietly and gave me a quick glance.

"That's ok. I totally understand", I just want to bend down and kiss every inch of his face.

"Do it", he gave me a cheeky smirk and moved a little closer towards me.

Shit shit shit. I said that out loud. Oh god

"C'mon Harry. Just kiss me you fool", he started leaning over to me, his eyes focused on my lips.

I gave myself a push and connected our lips. As they collided, they fit together perfectly.  We moved our lips in sync and deepened the kiss. Louis started playing with the curls at the back of my head and slowly opened his mouth, his tongue sliding over my bottom lip. I gasped in surprise and he took the chance and slipped his tongue into my mouth. Normally I would be the one to have control over the kiss, but not with Louis, he was dominant, a lot more than I was.

After another few minutes of intense snogging, we both pulled back and gasped for air. My breathing was going fast and loud and so was Louis'.

I put my forehead against his and stared into his sky blue eyes.

Good job, Harry! You managed to fall for someone who knew you for 2 and a half days

I sighted and Louis gave me a questioning look. I just pushed it off with a shrugg.

All of a sudden my stomach started to violently grumble.

"Should we get some breakfast, Curly?", he got up, pulling me with him, while sorting out his now messed up fringe.

"Didn't my morning breath taste disgusting?", now I got curious.

"No, not at all, and it didn't taste weirdly toothpasty so that's good too", he pushed me onto the stool at the kitchen island.

"I can't cook at all so I'll just make you some cereal, ok?", he blushed as he confessed that he couldn't cook.

I smiled at this comment and nodded.

After a few seconds a bowl of cosmostars stood infront of me and I began to shovel the food into me.

A light chuckle escaped Louis' lips and I gave him a quick glance, before digging into my breakfast again.

"Why do you always put your tongue out when you eat?"

"I don't do that at all, Louis!", I exclaimed with my mouth full.

"Swallow first! Yes you do! I noticed you doing it while eating pizza too!"

"Ok I might do that-"

"It's cute"

I blushed at Louis comment.

He's just the perfect guy


A/N: Sooo this is chapter 12! I hope you liked it because i really wanted to make it cute and fluffy and aw. The total word count is about 890 I thinm its 883 so I held my promise of making it longer than 550 to make up for my shorter chapters. And that's a lot longer than any essay I've ever written.

6 votes and 4 comments for chapter 13!

Ily all, thanks for reading!

  - Franci

And btw I wrote this at 11pm and I've got a french test the next day so feel honoured.

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