Puerile Chapter 1

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Hands in my pockets, i was walking down the dirt road to my brothers house, i hadnt visited his place in years. actually i didnt even remember the last time i had talked to him. He and I were not at all on close relations, so i was surprised when he suddenly invited me to his house. He was not a fan of those sappy Family Reunions, and niether was I so i suppose he must want want something of me. And let me tell you i was not in the mood to deal with his lazyness.

When i reached his door i stared at it for a little bit narrowing my eyes thinking with a heavy heart as i knocked. Im going to regret this...Quicker then i had expected the door flung open, causing me to flinch. He ushered me in quickly as if in a rush he spoke quickly as if in fast foreward " Come in! Come in! I have a gift for you!" I huffed " A gift..? Never a good sign. Whatever paperwork you want me to do ya bum you can do it yourself!"  He smiled weakly and forcefully " Libya! How dare you think so ill of your big brother! You don't trust me?" I crossed my arms and leaned on one side "Iraq... I dont trust a crack head like you. What do you want already? I have a life and i'd prefer to go live it!"

Iraq huffed mumbling to where he thought i wouldnt be able to hear," Why not have some respect for your elder brother? You best remember im 22 years old..your 17!" then nodded " Of course! i'll be back with your gift in a moment! Just wait here!" He ran off so fast i swear he was running from France or his boss. I looked around the house for a good amount of time before i felt something heavy jump on my back, It forced me quickly to the floor. In anger i waved my head around the see a small country on my back laughing at me. I shoved it off me and picked it up for a minute, she had clothes similar to mine with a green beret like hat, obviously too big for her. She had short black hair and she was staring at me with excited brown eyes like a puppy.

I grumbled " Please don't tell me this is my present...Ill take some beer instead and be on my way." Iraq stiffled a worried fake laugh and patted the little country on the head" This is Kenya! Shes actually your sister..You see im not good with kids..and im a little busy. I am actually in a war so i cant really deal with her. Can you please take care of her for me?" I glared at Iraq then the little girl i was holding "No way! Why would i wanna watch a lil' kid anyways? I hate kids!" Iraq pleaded " AW! Cmon! Shes not that much trouble! Im at war with America and i dont want her hurt! PLEASE?!" I glared at the girl again, she looked alot like me, but far too lively, I assume she got sick of being held because she actually crawled on my back again and called " Onward! To your house!" I huffed " Only until the war is over, then she's all yours, You got it?" Iraq nodded and quickly reushered us out the door.

When we got out the door, it was akward for a minute or so, then Kenya peered down at me and mumbled in a you might say puerile tone. " Got any food? Hey are we sisters? Am i staying at your house? Do you like games? Because i love games! Do you have raisins? I like raisins." I heived and shoved my hand over her mouth " Please shut up I have food, we are sisters, Youll be staying at my place for awhile, i hate games, i hate raisins but i have some my place, so you can have them." Kenya moved  my hand from her mouth and squealed " YAY!" She snuggled her head against mine " Big sister Libya! I like you already!" I nudged my elbow against her head to get her off me " Knock it off kid. Lets just go to my place." Kenya kept on rambling on stories of a bunch of courage garbage Iraq had taught her and eventually i just started ignoreing her all together.

When i got to the house i dropped her and told her to hold my hand, only then did i notice she was noticed she was holding a stuffed animal, i couldnt tell what it was though.It looked like a mix of a lion and a dog. I raised my eyebrow, i suppose she noticed because she hugged it extra tight and mumbled in her soft puerile tone. "His name is Raffie! He is a Collie dog! Iraq told me i should not get so used to him  though Because  ill have to put him in storage soon..." I sighed,Iraq wasent raising a girl he was raising a mini marine! I mumbled " It's okay you don't gotta put your dog in the storage.." Kenya already seemed to be hopping out of her boots, chanting " Raffie can stay! Raffie can stay!!!" I grumbled and grabbed her by the back of her shirt then tossed her inside the house on the couch, but she didnt seem to notice. I sighed What an idiot...

Puerile Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now