norman reedus imagine (fluff)

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"It'll take her about a couple of hours, or a day for her to fully recover" you heard the doctor say , you couldn't really function you just felt like really chill . you opened your eyes. Looking over at your doctor "hey y/n" he said as he placed his pen in his pocket you looked away, closing your eyes before letting out a giggle you were lost in thought felt like you were in a big ball of paradise til you heard a familiar voice

"Y/n?" You opened your eyes to find Norman looking down at you , you felt him gripping your hand "Norman" you laughed and lifted up a hand to brush it across his cheek but ended up slapping his face

"Oup!" The doctor chuckled Norman grabbed your hand as he smiled

"Alright come on babe"
Norman grabbed your arm helping you up from the seat
"Alright thanks doc" Norman waved while walking out

You kept tripping over your feet you heard Norman chuckle

"What's so funny?" You whined as he wrapped his arms around your waist

"I'm not laughing" he helped you into the car ..well before you fell on your ass ...

"M-my" you said laying back .

"What was that baby?" He said getting into the car looking over at you .

"My teeks are ...tubby" you said rubbing your cheeks you barely could talk your mouth filled with your blood soaking gauze

"Yes your cheeks are chubby" Norman said
reaching over to poke your cheek gently.

"Stop" you whined as you weakly swatted his hand away .

"Don't talk about my ...teeks their not even tubby" you couldn't even talk correctly.

Norman giggled . you were so high , and felt so confused and frustrated you couldn't talk threw the gauze so you
Started crying .

Norman looked at you and tried to hold his laugh in "what's wrong y/n?"
Norman said dragging your name out before
He took his phone out to record you .
"Your waughing at me" you said rubbing your cheeks .

Wiping your wet eyes "and you said my teeks were tubby"

"I said your teeks were tubby?" Norman teased still recording you .

"Yesh!" You yelled putting your face in your hands .

"Okay I'm sorry" Norman said as he chuckled looking at he's phone seeing if its still recording .

"I love you y/n" he said in a baby voice .

"I wove you to" you said in your hands .

"You wove me?" Norman mocked .

"Stop making fun of me" you whined
"Start the car I hushngry take me to food"

You said throwing your hands behind your head. Norman was enjoying this and he was trying so hard not to burst out laughing .

He ends the video with a "I wove you y/n" and drives home . Norman got out the car going around to help you out .

Before you fell on the floor...again Norman looked down at you with annoyance .

"Y/n come on" he whined while tapping your finger . you threw your hands up

"Pick me up!" You said smiling exposing your bloody gauzes in your mouth

He smirked before he picked you up , you wrapped your legs around him he pulled you up to kiss your forehead "my cheeks are sore" you said laying your head on his shoulder .

"I know , I know" he kicked the door closed before he took you to your apartment .
He unlocked the door as you were singing in his ear sounding like a drugged puppy

"Alright" Norman said as he dropped you gently down on the couch

He went Into the kitchen you heard the refrigerator open and bags being moved around . Norman came around the corner . with a clean cloth and two packs of iced peas .
"Are those peas?" You asked in confusion

"Why yes they are" Norman smiled as he walked over to you . you scooted up closer to the edge of the couch

"Alright open up darling" you opened your mouth up just a little for Norman to replace your bloody gauze with new ones . he used his index finger and his thumb to open it a bit more.

After he was done he stood there just staring at you .

"My wips are numb" you just said out of the blue. he laughed dropping his head down.

"Whash so funny?" You said dragging out the word "funny" he bent down with his hands on your knees .

"Gimmie a kiss" you leaned in giving him a sloppy kiss as Norman quickly poked his tongue at yours

"Norman!" You gasped and tried to kick him but he already moved .

"Babe" you whined






.."my skeeks hurt" you said laying down on the couch . he reached over and grabbed the iced peas and got up walking behind the couch getting behind you . he placed the peas on both of your cheeks .

"Holy bananas!" You said closing your eyes as Norman massages your cheeks with the pack of peas

"That feels really good dis..dis is heaven"

Norman giggled

"Is it to cold ?" He questioned looking down at you

"No, it feels awshome"

Norman came down to kiss your head

"Your so cute . " he said still massaging your cheeks

"What?" You said trying to look up at him

"I said your so cute " he repeated his self

"No your the cute one norm " you said drunkly he chuckled as he put the peas down .

"Alright ..let's go" Norman said walking around the couch tapping your thigh . you tried getting up but fell back down you laughed .

"Don't shudge meh" Norman grabbed your hand to help you stand up then wrapped an arm around your waist helping you to bed .

He got you to your room and laid you down in bed , And laid down next to you . you laid on your stomach facing the opposite way from Norman . Norman grabbed your hand and gave it a kiss .

"I love you tubby cheeks "

"I wove you to" the next morning you both laughed at the videos of you and all day Norman was mocking you .

Hope you like guys! Give me feedback , tell me what ya think :)))

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