Sealy fead them enchanted penguin apples put Chef Pablo poised the food and took fat stacks before Poised them and probley about 20 stacks for good health and medicine for da Pablo army. The seal lions died and only took a few Pablo's in da water before dieing. Pablo said you thought I didn't have a plan Pablo went over and honked his the nose and killed him for food and blubber then got his coat and then swam back to the island. The fish saw them right behind the island and feed them explosion flounder sandwiches... Don't be confused with the food fish flounder sandwiches the good food not the explosion kind of food sandwithches. Then he took a crap ton of salty kind that poison you mahahahaaaaaaaaa.
Pablo and the rainbow Penguins
AcţiuneA crazy adventure that is with animals and like hunger games part to.