Eleven girls, also known as the Nerd Squad, bounced up and down in their seats as the car navigated around the bumpy road. Inside the car consisted of Owl, Willow, Azia, Pixella, Rose, Convela, Angel, Lissy, Phebs, Rae, and Fairy.
"So remind why did we decide to go to Mt. Ebott again?" Willow complained as she shoved Azia, who was poking her, away. Her sister, Owl, sighed as she turns the steering wheel a bit to the right.
"Because it'll be fun," Owl replied.
"Yeah and we could all use some fresh air!" Phebs agreed as the car took a sharp turn, having some of the girls topple over one another.
"What I want to know is how we fit so many people in!" Azia exclaimed as she pushed Rose off her.
"Because we're magic!" Pix said in a silly voice, waving her hands around like crazy. Everyone chuckled.
"Hey guys, look!" Fairy yelled, "The road ends here, we're going to have to walk the rest of the way!" A few people groaned as they all made their way out of the car.
"So where do we go know?" Lissy asked, her gaze drifting around, trying to find a path. Convela grabbed her shoulders and turned her in the direction of a pathway.
"How about there," she said, her tone bored and snarky.
"Oh yeah," Lissy replied as she started walking to the path. The rest of the girls soon followed.
"Oh my Irene, the view is amazing," Rose mumbled in a daze as she started off from the mountain.
"Come on mother nature," Angel said jokingly as she pulled Rose along to catch up with the rest of the group. "You can't just stop walking on us." Rose face flushes as she and Angel catch up to the rest of the group.
"Guys," Owl warned as she pointed to a hole, "Watch out, there's a hole." Willow snorts.
"Well no duh Captain Obvious," she said as she started making her way around it.
"Be careful Willow, the last thing we need is you falling down it," Convela said as she followed Willow around the hole. Everyone began following them, being carful not to slip up, that is until one of them did slip up.
"GAH!" Fairy cried as she slipped on a lose rock. She tumbled backwards into the pit but Pix grabbed her hand, trying to help her, but she ended up slipping up to. Pix held onto Fairy and the edge of the hole, both of them dangling like leaves on a tree. Everyone then tried to help Pix and Fairy as they hung off the side of the hole. Willow grabbed Pix, Owl grabbed Willow, Angel grabbed Owl, and so on. Soon they looked like a giant chain of girls.
"No one slip or we'll all fall!" Phebs shouted as all the girls started trying to pull Pix and Fairy up. Then a nice summer breeze blew by. It wasn't strong, but it was enough to make Lissy lose her balance and she slipped, sending all the girls falling into the hole.
They all landed on a bed made up of little yellow flowers. Quickly they got up and looked around. The cavern was dark but the could still see, at least a bit.
The girls then looked up to see the sun setting back on the surface, their home.
As they watched sun disappear from sight, into the horizon, up on the surface they were filled with, DETERMINATION.
Whoot whoot! New book! Sounds exciting, eh? I'm excited! O.O
Props to Fairy for starting this!Anywho, Like, give us feedback, and have a great day! Byee Squaddies! ~C
Undertale: Determination {Nerd Squad}
Fanfiction11 girls decided to go take a nice trip up to Mt. Ebott, just to hang out, talk, have a picnic, that kind of stuff. But what happens when one slips, causing all of their downfalls into a cavern on the mountain. There, they are greeted with Monsters...