Chapter 3~ A Hero

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"Guys... If we don't live through this... please know... that I don't mind being shipped with Travis." Angel said as the pellets quickly advanced, and everyone turned to stare at her. Azia then whispered, "#Clovis!" before shutting her eyes once again.

Everyone's attention came back to the pellets that were less than a few inches from the girls. Then a ball of fire was thrown at Flowy the insane flower, sending him flying not the darkness. The girls all gasped as a weird goat like creature walked were the flower once sat.

"What a terrible creature," the goat lady said to the confused girls, "torturing such a poor, and innocent youth..." she then glanced over at the girls, studying their expressions. "Ah do not be afraid my children," she said in a comforting tone.

"I'm not afraid of some goat lady," Willow muttered under her breath.

"I am TORIEL," Toriel said, "Caretaker of the RUINS." The girls looked at each other, suspicion lurking in their eyes. Could this weird goat women be trusted? "I pass through this place everyday," Toriel continued, not noticing the glares of some of the girls, "to see if anyone had fallen down. You are the first human to come here in a long time."

"What does she mean by that..?" Convela murmured to herself. "And we're not 'human'. We're 'humans', plural. Get your grammar correct, weird old goat lady...." This comment earned her a jab in the ribs from Angel.

"Come!" Toriel said. "I will guide you through the catacombs. This way."

"Should we trust her?" Owl asked her friends as Toriel walked further into the darkness, away from the one patch of light.

"We have no other choice," Phebs said.

"Yeah and she saved us from that demon flower," Fairy added. "So she can't be all bad!" Lissy nodded as Rae started to walk to were Toriel went, the others coming to join her. The walked past a purple door way and entered a room made of purple stones, red flowers were put up for decoration.

Toriel was standing, waiting patiently for the girls to come. Then she continued to advance down the hall to a small staircase with another doorway on top.

Just as the girls were about to follow her they all heard something, a voice ringing through out their heads.

*(The shadow of the ruins looms above, filling you with DETERMINATION.)

They all looked at each other, before shaking it off and continued following Toriel into the ruins.

"Welcome to your new home, innocent ones," Toriel said, as she stood by some buttons on the floor, opening up the doorway behind her.

"I don't like the sound of that," Pix whispered to Lissy, who nodded in response, her eyes fixed on the goat creature in front of her.

"Allow me to educate you in the operation of the RUINS," Toriel said, not hearing what Pix had said. She then walked over some of the buttons in a certain order, one the girls quickly forgot.

"The RUINS are filled with puzzles," Toriel said earing a few small groans from the girls. "Ancient fusions between diversions and doorkeys," Toriel continued explaining. "One must solve them to move from room to room, please adjust yourselves to the sight of them." Toriel then went through the doorway she had opened up a few moments ago.

Once again the girls followed her, the feeling of being watched was unsettling. Azia looked behind herself as if to see no one else was there.

"To make progress here, you will need to trigger several switches," Toriel said as the girls tuned back to her. "Do not worry, I have labelled the ones you need to flip," Toriel then continued walked, passing a switch which Angel flipped. Then there were two more switches. One with arrows pointing to it and the other with no arrows.

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