Drip, drip, drip.

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~Warning, may be triggering to those prone to manic episodes~
My entire existence was wet. Water from my scalding shower dripped from my hair into the sink, tears ran down my cheeks in floods of salt, saliva and blood bridged from my mouth to the sink. The water had been so hot that I'd bitten my tongue until it bled.

My whole body just hurt. My legs spasmed as I fought to hold myself up on my sink and a sob broke free. My temples throbbed, my ears were ringing, I could feel my panicked heart beat in my fingertips and I felt a sting when I ran my tongue over my teeth. I gave up trying to hold back vomit and jammed my finger in my throat so I wouldn't have to stand and gag for several minutes. This wasn't normal. Usually my depressive state would end when the hot water stung my back and I was reminded of my physical being, but that just wouldn't cut it.

Eventually it all died down, so I sat on the floor in my bathroom, naked for a few minutes until Noodle cried from his crate. Noodle never cried unless he really, really needed to pee. So I got up, not wanting my poor puppy to have to suffer with me.

After he'd done his business in the little fenced yard, he toddled back in and started to go for his crate, but I swept him up and carried him to bed with me, needing something alive to occupy space beside me. I'd just sagged into the warm depths of my bed, Noodle in the curve of my body on its side when my phone buzzed.

Now who the hell would call me this late at night?

Except it wasn't late. What had felt like hours in my bathroom had only been forty five minutes and it was only six thirty.

So I tapped the accept icon. "Hello?"

"Hey, Ellis? Did I wake you? You sound like you just woke up."

Louise, the girl from the pet store probably sat twiddling her hair, just like she did in person, on the other end.

This made me chuckle. "I always sound like I just woke up. What can I do you for?" Although I could guess that she would ask about my puppy, I knew the ulterior motives. I was gay, crippled, and depressed, not oblivious. "How are you liking him? Noodle I mean."

Bingo. My new wing man was already a chick magnet.

"More like, how's he liking me. He seems to appreciate the spare pillow right next to my head." It was true, he was curled up in a fuzzy black ball on my white pillow case, perfectly content.

"So I did wake you up. Do you want me to go?"

"No, no." I rushed out. "I was just watching a movie. With the dog." I lied, adding, "In my bed." To make it convincing. She didn't believe me.

I sighed, making an offer she couldn't refuse. "How about I call you back in the morning so that I can wake you up." She made this heavenly little giggling noise and I could hear her blush.

My brother has the best Gaydar, I swear.

"Goodnight Ellis."

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, Louise."

I rolled over and gave my dog a smooch on the head, and smiled kind of sadly.

The thought, Maybe it's not so bad drifted into my head when my eyes finally closed.

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