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"Nobody else cares, but I do."

by: higoodbye1234


A/N: Hey lovelies! How are you? 

I just wanna say, thank you for sending your six word stories. I'm not picky when it comes to posting your entries. If you sent me your six word story, there's a high chance that I'll post it. 

I also apologize for the lack of updates because of procrastination, and I keep on watching some Friends episodes and I'm kinda busy writing for my own story called Ohana Squad. And, my inbox is full. I didn't really know that a lot of people will send their entries, so thank you so much for you support! 

Since my inbox is like a bomb, I could barely reply to all of your messages. If you messaged me and I haven't reply yet, I'm really sorry. That's why if you want to send your Six word story, please send it on my ask.fm account. Please don't post it on my profile, message me or comment it here. It's okay if you will post it on my wall or comment them, but it's hard for me to find the entries on the comments. It's okay if you already sent your entries in the comments.

There's a high chance that your story will be posted if you'll send it on my ask.fm. By the way, I havent looked in the comments if there's any six word story entries, sorry lmao! :)

My ask.fm acc can be found on the external link. Don't forget to add your name if you'll send it :)

I have no idea if this even make sense but thanks for reading it! xx

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