twenty one.

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Tears rushed down Preston's pale cheeks as he spoke to Rob on skype.

"Rob..- I'm s-so," He hiccuped between his words. "sorry, I let him win. I'm so sorry."

Rob was quiet, clicking a few tabs on his computer before he spoke up. "It's.. going to be okay Preston."

"I feel so bad.. I ignored everyone, I haven't uploading in days, I-I don't want to let go but he keeps making me feel like I have too."

"Preston, I have to go."


"I'm adding Lachlan to the call, I have an idea."

Preston nods, Rob catching in his webcam. Lachlan joined the call with a yawn and a few muffled words.

"I'm here for you Preston." He hummed sleepily, seeing as it was late in Australia.

That made Preston feel slightly better.

"You're not alone." Rob let out, before saying his goodbye and exiting the call, leaving the Aussie and Texan to chat.

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