Chapter 7 | Turn the Page

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'Turn the page and see the wonder, that's here for you and I' - The Beginning

[Perrie's POV]

As I walk off to find my friends, I try to figure out what I might say to Caleb if I see him before tonight. I have to find out if he really did see anything, just in case he freaked out because he realised that I knew he had a crush on me, or that he was the reason I got pushed over.

My thoughts are interrupted by Tyler, who is walking towards me. I look at him in confusion. Why isn't he with the rest of our group? Before I have to chance to ask why, he's already speaking to me.

"Where have you been?" Tyler asks with curiosity, as he puts his arm around me. I lean into him and smile. I've never really been this close to Tyler, as we've only ever been friends before, but it feels so nice and comforting. He's put his arm around me before, but I've never actually leaned into him as I'm doing now. I always felt too awkward to as we were only friends.

"I had to speak to Jesy Nelson about the play." I lie. "I know she's good at acting so I wanted her to help me with my acting."

"You're acting will be perfect." Tyler says as he hugs me tighter, which makes me laugh. "I bet you're even better than that Jesy girl." 

"Your opinion's a little biased seeing as your my boyfriend now." I say, with a smile on my face. Saying the word 'boyfriend' makes my heart flutter. I may be popular, but I've never really had a boyfriend before.

"I guess so, but it also doesn't change the fact that you're good at acting." He tells me as he lets me go and starts walking in the direction of where we usually hang out.

I laugh. "You've never even seen me act before."

"You wouldn't have been chosen for the main role if you weren't good at acting." Tyler points out. "I've seen Emily act before and she's really good, but you managed to get the part instead of her. That must mean you're pretty good."

"I guess you're right." I say with a shrug. "Why aren't you with the group?"

Tyler puts his hand though his hair, something I've learned he does when he's either annoyed or embarrassed. "Well, I was looking for you, but Caleb was also there and I didn't want to be near him."

I shake my head. "You too are going to have to get over this stupid fight. Caleb may have started the fight but don't blame him for me getting hit over. It was an accident and it's not like I was hurt or anything." I feel a little guilt wash over me at the words. I was hurt, but I couldn't exactly tell him that. Plus, I didn't want them to fight over me especially when they are supposed to be best friends.

"It's not just that." He says. "It's the fact that he just ran off when you could have been hurt or something. I mean, who does that to the person they supposedly have a crush on." I feel guilt wash over me again. I hate lying to Tyler but I don't know whether he would freak out about my powers, like Caleb did, or be understanding and calm about it. I don't want to risk it since we've only just started dating and I want to see if this whole thing will work out.

"What's the matter?" He asks, noticing I'm distracted by something.

"I don't like that you and Caleb are fighting." I lie, although I do hate it. "You're best frien-."

"Were best friends." He interrupts. "We haven't really been as close since we both realised we liked you."

I'm about to argue but Tyler cuts me off. "I know you think it's stupid to fight over you, but you really don't realise how amazing you are. You're so much better than most other girls in this school. You're actually one of the nicest people I know." I want to tell him that there are so many nice girls in this school if he actually ignored the fact that they weren't popular, like Jade Thirlwall for example, but I keep my comment to myself. That's the biggest flaw about Tyler. He only takes interest in someone if they're popular.

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