Chapter 17

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*Rises out of coffin* "I'M ALIVE!" Hello people that read my story. I'm am SO SORRY about not updating. Its just that over this past month (or months, I'm not sure) is that my school has been having so many tests that we have to been studying for (yeah, at my school we have so many tests that I have to take a month off from updating. Yeah my school sucks) and with my brother graduating high school, me and my family have been doing a lot of shit, but now school is over and SUMMER IS HERE! But the thing is that I might have some big events coming up in the summer, but I will try my best to update. Just thank you so much for reading my crappy story. So I hope you like this chapter! I LOVE YOU ALL! Enjoy.


*Where the last chapter left off*

She put her shield down to see Alice no where. "Huh?!" (Y/n) said. "Behind you!" Dark Pit yelled at her. (Y/n) turned around to see Alice behind her throwing food at her, but she blocked it. "You are going to pay Alice!" (Y/n) yelled while aiming her food at her, about to strike when-



Well it turns out the teacher who found out that a World War III with food was going on in the cafeteria was actually the principle, and the principle took (Y/n), Sam, Ashley, Dark Pit, Pit, Viridi, Jane, Alice, Mackenzie, and Ken to the office because they were the ones who started it.

 "I can not believe that you already cause trouble on the first day of school!" Mrs. Gorgon shouted at the teenagers that were standing right in front of her, food all over them.

"Mackenzie, I'm disappointed in you. You did not come and tell me that there was a war going on in the cafeteria. I told you that if you any trouble that you tell me!" Mrs. Gorgon yelled at her daughter who was looking down to the ground, feeling a tiny bit guilty. "I'm sorry mo-" "Sorry won't do it Mackenzie. We are going to have a talk later." Mrs. Gorgon told her daughter. "As for the rest of you, I have all called your parents and they on there way here to talk about all of yours misbehaviors."

'Oh no, Mom and Dad are going to be so mad.' (Y/n) thought in her head. 'I'm in so much trouble when my parents get here.' Sam thought in her head. 'Well my Mom is going is going to yell at me. A lot.' Ashley thought in her head. 'Should I care about this?' Dark Pit thought in his mind. 'Lady Palutena is going to mad when she gets here.' Pit thought in his mind. 'Stupid humans. I don't care if Palutena yells at me. If a human gets me mad, then I'm going to get revenge.' Viridi thought in her mind. 'I wonder what  Dad's reaction will be. Mad, surprised, or just laugh it off like its nothing.' Jane thought in her mind. 'Hmm, Dad won't care.' Alice thought in her mind. 'Mom won't care." Ken thought in his mind. 

 "Jane, apparently your Mom can't come due to work so she won't be here. As for the rest of you your parents should be here soon. Sit down in a seat all of you." Mrs. Gorgon said to all the teenagers. The teenagers all sat down and were all quiet. Until (Y/n) whispered to Dark Pit. " Hey, Dylan. Thank you in the cafeteria. You tried to help us a lot trying to get revenge on Alice." (Y/n) whispered to Dark Pit. "No problem. Just helping out my friends." Dark Pit whispered back.

Well it took about twenty minutes for the parents to get to the school. Anyways, Mrs. Gorgon went outside of the office talk to the parents. The door opened up and all the teenagers looked to see Mrs. Gorgon. "Students, your parents world like to talk to all of you." (Y/n), Sam, Ashley, Dark Pit, Pit, Viridi, Alice, and Ken all got up and went out of the office to talk to their parents. (Y/n) walked towards her parents. "Hi Mom, hi Dad." (Y/n) said nervously. When she looked at her parents, she gulped. 'I'm in so much trouble.' (Y/n) said in her mind. "(Y/n), we heard all about the food fight that went on in the cafeteria." (Y/n)'s Mom said to her. "Umm, y-yeah about that." (Y/n) stuttered. (Y/n) was preparing for the worst when she heard he father chuckling.

"Finally you are acting like a teenager!" (Y/n)'s Dad said to her. "HUH!?" (Y/n) said, very confused. Then she heard her Mom giggling. "W-what, you two are supposed to be yelling at me! Your supposed to be furious at me! W-what is going on!?" (Y/n) said, even more confused than before. "Honey, were not mad at you." Her Mom said to her. "HUH!? I'm so confused, aren't you supposed to be mad at me!?" (Y/n) said to her parents, MORE confused than before. "(Y/n), you a teenager, your supposed to act one." Her Dad said to her. "W-what do you mean?" (Y/n) said to her parents. "Honey, how do you think we were when we were teenagers? We must of had like food fights twice a month when we were in high school." Her Mom said.

"You mean that you did this when YOU were in high school!?" (Y/n) said to her parents. "Honey, we used to get in so much trouble when we are in high school, more than you did." Her Mom said to her. "Okay, you are the most coolest parents ever." (Y/n) said to her parents. "So umm, your not really mad?" (Y/n) asked her parents. "No, were not mad." Her Dad told her. "Umm, in that case, can my friends come over this weekend then?" (Y/n) asked her parents. "Sam and Ashley? If course they can come over." Her Mom said to her. "Umm, I also my other friends." (Y/n) said to her parents. "What other friends?" Her Dad asked her. "Umm, I met them today and even though I've just known them for a day, can they come over?" (Y/n) asked. "Well we have to meet them first (Y/n)." Her Mom said. "Of course Mom." (Y/n) said. "Can I go talk to them real quick?" (Y/n) asked. "That's okay." Her Dad said. (Y/n) then walked off to talk to her friends.

*With Dark Pit*

"I can't believe you three!" Palutena said to Dark Pit, Pit, and Viridi. Apparently Palutena was really mad at them. Really mad. "Your not supposed to cause trouble everywhere!" Palutena yelled at them. "Weren't you the one that we should experience the human world?" Dark Pit said to her. "Yes I did, but I didn't mean causing trouble!" Palutena said. "Palutena, Pittoo is right, you said we should experience the human world. We are acting like human teenagers and this what human teenagers do sometimes." Viridi said in a matter-of-factly way.

 "Don't call me that." Dark Pit said in a low, but dangerous tone. "Lady Palutena, I have to agree with Viridi. We are acting like human teenagers, we are experiencing the human world." Pit said to her. "Wow Pit-stain, you actually said something smart for once." Dark Pit said to his light self. "I've said some smart things Pittoo!" Pit said. "I said don't call me that." Dark Pit said walking towards Pit. "Boys, do not fight in school." Palutena said to them. "Look, I do want all three of you to experience the human world, but please do not cause trouble." Palutena said to them. "Okay." The three of them said at the said time.

"Dylan!" Someone said down the hall. Dark Pit turned his head to see (Y/n) running towards them. "Guys, I need to ask you guys a question." (Y/n) said to them. "What is I-" "Dylan, who is this?" Palutena asked while looking at (Y/n). "This is my friend (Y/n). (Y/n) this is my-" "I'm Dylan's Mother, nice to meet you." Palutena said while looking at (Y/n). "N-nice to meet you." (Y/n) said in a very quiet voice. "No need to be shy around me (Y/n)." Palutena said to her. "So, what did you want to ask my children?" Palutena asked (Y/n).

"Well I was wondering if they can come to my house this weekend?" (Y/n) asked Palutena. "Well I don't see why not." Palutena said to (Y/n). "Well, my Dad said they can't come unless they meet them and you." (Y/n) said to Palutena. "That's okay with me." Palutena said. "Well, let's go meet your parents (Y/n)." Palutena said. "Okay, umm my parents are over here." (Y/n) said. (Y/n), Dark Pit, Pit, Viridi, and Palutena walked towards (Y/n) parents.


Well that chapter was crappy, but I hoped you liked it. Thank You so much for reading my story and I hope you like it.

Peace Out!✌✌✌

I Never Thought I Fall For You (Dark Pit x Reader) *Re-Writing*Where stories live. Discover now