dedicated to Aneesa3211 for guessing the lyric! ly♡
luke: eighteen
calum: seventeen
thursday, 6:00 pmluke looked out of his bedroom window, he could see the ferris wheel going round and round, he could see the rollercoaster cart and he could faintly hear the screams of the people. the fair only happens once a year so it was ought to be packed with people. the colorful lights of the fair were on, but only in some places because it was still kind of bright out.
luke sighed, how he wished he could be on the ferris wheel with calum beside him and holding hands and enjoying. just the thought of calum filled luke up with a certain warmth, like luke was a cold, lost boy in the dark and calum was his fireplace.
he didn't know what falling in love felt like, but he sure had something for the bubbly raven haired sweetheart whom he met years ago. luke sometimes wondered whether calum changed or he was still that calum.
ofcourse, the thought of calum not going to the fair every year never crossed luke's mind, just because everyone, the whole kingdom went to the fair every year. it wasn't possible that calum wouldn't go to the fair. he would ask his dad and brothers whether he could go to the fair, but always in vain.
luke ran his fingers through his hair, every year he would watch the fair like this, perched up on his windowsill eating apple pie which dara made for him specially. he would watch the fireworks as they exploded in a blast of colours in the dark sky, sometimes tears rolling down his cheeks.
luke held his stuffed penguin tightly to his chest, he was eighteen, but he loved his stuffed animal.
"luke!" he heard a woman's voice, recognizing it to be dara's voice almost immediately. he turned around and dara rushed to him, "you need to go!" luke was puzzled, go where? "to the fair, you doofus," oh so he had thought it out lou- wait what? "you're sneaking out luke!" dara said exasperately, throwing her arms to luke's shoulder. "sneaking out? i've never done tha-" dara cut him off with a grin, "go." she said, as if she had been expecting this kind of behaviour from luke.
luke's stomach filled with butterflies as he processed what dara said just now. she was helping him sneak out, he was sneaking out, he was going to that fair, he was going to meet calum.
he pulled dara for a hug, tears of joy coming out from his eyes. dara pulled away, wiping the tears, "don't take your crying face to that boy. he wouldn't like seeing a beautiful boy like you crying." she said, and luke smiled. she knew afterall. he kissed both her cheeks before heading for the door.dara grabbed his hand, "you're sneaking out sweetheart, you need to go from here. the ladder is outside, gerard is down waiting for you." she said, luke almost forgot that he was sneaking out. typical luke. he took some money out of his piggybank and went to the window.
he climbed down the ladder, having difficulties but gerard cheering for him down encouraged him. he looked up when he heard dara's voice, "be back before midnight!"
yelling back 'i will' he stepped on the grass, it was giving him tickles though his feet were covered with his vans. his choice of clothing sucked, he was in a pair of blue skinny jeans, a black tank top and a leather jacket which dara had to throw from up. he had his dogtags on, ben had given it to him just because ben didn't like dogtags.
nevertheless, he thanked gerard and started walking. the breeze was so fresh, the smell of flowers never excited luke this much. he jogged out of the back garden, the air feeling weird to him. he was so energetic as he walked on the concrete roads, taking in the surroundings.
it was like he was blind this whole time, like he was just introduced to the outside world, like all this while his world was dark but now it's full of colors. he felt giddy inside, the butterflies did not stop their fluttering and luke was starting to feel nauseous because there was just so many feelings, he was out of place. he could not decipher many if them, because they were new. but he sure was in love.
his vans covered feet dragged across the street, the music and the screams of people becoming audible to his ear. he could not contain his excitement, oh, he was so full of joy.
the lights were now fully on, it was so colorful to look at. the hustle and bustle of the fair became clearly visible to luke and the noise became clearly audible. he entered the fair, people were going past luke, pushing him but he didn't care. luke was new to all this, it did feel uncomfortable but he brushed it off.
he saw the people, everyone looked happy, just like luke. he saw couples, kissing and taking pictures with each other, the kind of ones he had seen on tumblr from the last year's fair. he smiled to himself, last year he was in his room, watching the fair from far. luke did not imagine this day would come, but there was always a spark of hope lingering in him.
luke was strolling around, taking in his surroundings, his eyes scanning over everything when he caught a glimpse of him. laughing, eyes wrinkling around the sides and was with a red haired dude. the thought of calum with another guy made luke furious. but it was not long before the red haired guy left calum's hand, whispering something in his ear which made calum nod.
luke was staring at him till he felt someone pushing him and he was snapped out of his thoughts. this is your chance luke, he thought to himself as he gathered up courage and walked to the boy. he raised his arm to tap calum on the shoulder excelt his hands wouldn't move. he was shaking all over, the nauseating feeling overwhelming him.
he took a deep breath and let it out slowly, before raising his shaking hands to calum's shoulder. he tapped on the boy's shoulder lightly and the tanned boy turned around. luke was way taller than calum who was just 5'3. when luke saw him, it felt like someone knocked the air out of him.
he felt small arms wrap around him, he had not missed the way calum squealed his name. he remembers luke, calum remembers luke, that was all luke cared about at the moment as he wrapped his own arms around calum's petite waist, pulling him closer.
i wrote the whole chapter and wattpad decided to be a dick and wiped it all out so i had to re-write it. anyways, here's the song lyric:
So we'll piss off the neighbours
In the place that feels the tears
The place to lose your fearsall the love,

princess ↝ cth + lrh (boyxboy)
Fanfictionthe one where luke is a hidden prince and calum is luke's whole world. ♡ © All Rights Reserved -mukecth-