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Levis POV
Austin and Nate burst in the doors loud and cheering I honestly couldn't be bothered with it . They were calling my name , I ignored it . Maybe they would leave if I pretended I was asleep . 10 minutes had past but yet they were here so I had no choice but I pretended to wake up. So I yawned and sat up slowly and acted suprised when I seen them . They suspected nothing.

Nates POV
'Hey bro'
'How you holding on'
Why wasn't he answering , he should be happy to see us . We are pratcially related but he just groaned . At that point a million question raced through my mind but I could only summon up a few words
'I missed you'
But of course he ignored that to , he was acting weird I probably shouldn't moan he is sick I should've expected it . Maybe he will listen to Austin.

Austins POV
'Hey Levi , some fans we met outside wanted us to give you this , it's a cookie I mean you don't need to eat it but they attached there twitters to it do you could reply to them please just be nice to them they Ment well'
This was the worst I had seen Levi , he looked so lifeless to be honest he was as pale and cold as a corpse he could've let go any second and not change in appearance .

Levis POV

'Can yous please leave'
It's not that I don't want to see yous it's just I'm so tired I've slept for hours but I'm just so tired and I can't get enough rest I was thinking about letting them give me an injection just to slowly and not painfully kill me .
'I don't know yet it was just a thought , but thanks for coming , I really do miss and love yous too'

Nates POV

'Fine we will leave you , but if Drew asks you told us to leave he would kill us if it was out idea'

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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