Chapter 7

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I am in a place I've never seen before. It's like a penthouse, a really messy one.

I stand in a corner, facing off against a boy who looks to be around my own age, with dark black hair and a scar running down one of his violent hazel gold eyes. Another boy near our age, one with a large gash across his forehead, light brown hair and blue eyes, is slumped against the wall behind me. In the nightmare I'm levitating slightly and dueling with scarface, who is trying to reach the injured boy behind me. Unlike my opponent, I am bleeding profusely, which seems to indicate that Scarface is winning. Well, what experience do I have with a sword?

In the middle of the room is a young boy with messy silvery blond hair and a tall beautiful lady who exudes an aura of confluence and power. Even in the Nightmare, something about the lady tugs at my memory. I try to delve into what but it is sly, evasive, and I can not quite catch it.

Both the lady and the boy have a tint of madness in their eye.

The lady turns around and I see behind her is a tall teenaged girl with chestnut brown hair and light eyes. The lady whispers something to the girl and I am drawn to the girl's wretched expression. She looks like she wants to listen to the lady but is trying not to.

The lady suddenly snaps her fingers together and the blond boy lunges after the girl. The madness in his eyes has turned them black, and he raises his arms, calling forth Shadow Minions from the walls.

They slide out like grease and fly toward the girl. Still fighting to protect the unknown injured boy behind me, I am powerless to protect her. The shadow minions surround the girl in a black sort of cloud and I fight harder than I knew I could, struggling to go and help her.

"Madness." The lady says in an eerily familiar and soothing voice.

Madness. That's what this is.

Madness has taken over.

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