~•~ Back story ~•~

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~ 10 years earlier ~

The 6 year old sat in her room as objects smashed and voices raised to fill the empty house with echoes. The tears ran down to the wooden floor, the toys around her sat still. The door suddenly slammed and everything was silent, she heard a bottle smash before the door opened and closed with another slam, leaving the child on her own. She looked around the light pink walled little girl room before standing. The white frilly night gown dropping to her ankles. She grabbed Mr. Teddy, a large bear with one eye missing and odd patches where he was missing parts before she shuffled slowly towards the door, before her small hand took the handle and turned it slowly, the large white door swung open and she starred into the black empty hallway before taking a step out of her room. She looked up and down the hallway to see it was empty before moving towards the top of the stairs. She took each step slowly, gripping hold of the bears arm in her tiny hand, finally stepping off the last step and turned towards the living room door where she discovered the mess that her parents caused like the last argument but this time she knew her father wasn't going to return.

Soon, the front door flew open again and the tall figure of her mother stumbled in, the woman looked like a prostitute with her messy brown hair with honey high lights which was always the same style and the make-up which was slapped on her face like she ordered a clown to dress her. The woman wore a dark blue dress and a brown cardigan, cream stockings with one rolled down and brown slippers. The woman lifted a bottle of vodka too her lips and soon her brown eyes flickered onto the small child before she lowered the bottle from her lips and snarled, raising a hand as the girl flinched.

The hand came down and slashed across the small girls cheek who let out a sob and collapsed to the floor, gripping her cheek "SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!" The woman barked, spit flying as the girl let more tears run. Soon the free hand gripped ahold of the girls hair who cried out again and dropped the bear to the floor. Fighting to pry the hand off her head.

"I'm sorry mama!" The child sobbed and the woman shook the small body about.

"Sorry won't cut it!" She then dropped the child and starred up the stairs before smiling slowly. She took the child's hand and led her upstairs into the child's bedroom where a high chair was waiting for her.

"Please no mama" The child sobbed before being placed in and a bib was wrapped around her neck before she was strapped in. The woman left the room only to come back after a few minutes with a small baby bowl and plastic spoon, the child's doe brown-eyes widened as she watched before the spoon was shoved into her mouth, the disgusting taste of porridge mixed with her taste buds.

Tears ran down the small girls face as she swallowed the horrible food "Oh my sweet little Cry Baby, don't cry" the drunk woman laughed, the smell of vodka wafting into the child's face and filling her nostrils and lungs making her almost throw the food back up.

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