Chapter 1

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• Blair's POV •
Age: 16

Blair sat in her bedroom, the pink wallpaper peeling and the room looking like a child's room, sighing she tapped her pencil against her book, her brown hair in a bun. The window was open at how hot it was. Sighing, she scratched at her shaved tanned legs which showed off under light blue shorts and lifted her head, her doe brown eyes shadowed under a full-fringe. A boy climbed into the window and from the smile that crept onto Blair's lips it showed it wasn't just any random boy. This boy was Lucas Jonas, not only just the popular boy in school but her boyfriend. He had short blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He returned the smile and sat on the bed.

"Sup cutie?" He winked and Blair felt a blush cover her freckled cheeks as he ran his hand up her leg.

"Stop my mum is home..." Blair muttered, pushing his hand off but he placed it back on tighter making her yelp in pain. A smirk ran along Lucas' lips at the pain that ran across her face. He let go and leaned back.

"You still being a pussy huh?" He laughed and Blair's eyes widen before she shook her head, he smirked and took the pen and book out of her grip and pinned her to the bed "didn't think so" he muttered and leaned down to kiss her neck. Blair whimpered and moved around underneath him "STOP MOVING" He barked and his hand flew across her cheek, she screamed but knew her mum wouldn't hear. Lucas groaned in annoyance and pulled away from her "pathetic" he muttered and stood. He looked her up and down before sighing "I think it's best if we broke up."

"What do you mean break up?!" Blair asked and sat up quickly as tears burned in her eyes. Not only was Lucas her first lover, he was her first boyfriend too.

Lucas lifted his shoulders in a shrug, his hands now in his trousers pockets "Think it's best if we just break up, your shit in bed anyway." He grumbled and she let the tears fall, he sighed in annoyance and rubbed his temples "Blair..."

Blair looked up at him with tear filled eyes and he slapped her again "WAKE UP AND FACE IT I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU" he snapped and she cried out once again, he turned deciding not to take the window but to leave from her bedroom door. Quickly standing, she rushed over and grabbed his arm.

"Don't leave me please" she whimpered and he pushed her off him.

"Fxck off!" He snapped and threw open her bedroom door, the soft snores from her mum's room now loud. Blair watched as Lucas stormed down the stairs before he opened and slammed the front door shut, making her jump.

Staying sat on the floor for a little longer, Blair sniffed and whipped tears away from her face before walking over to the bear that sat on her bed and hugged it tight "you still love me, right Mr. Teddy" she asked the stuffed toy.

The bear didn't reply and she smiled "Of course I do Blair" she said in a different voice, turning the bear around and lifting it's arms "I will always love you!" She smiled and hugged the bear close before standing and walking downstairs, humming to herself as she did and walked into the living room, she hummed and continued to walk, her aim was to get to the kitchen. She stepped into the kitchen and opened a cupboard.

Inside the cupboard was cups, glasses and baby bottles. Reaching her hand in, Blair pulled out a baby bottle with her name on in baby pink. She turned to the bottle of vodka that sat on the counter. Placing the bear down onto the table, Blair's hand reached out for the bottle.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" A woman snapped, making Blair jumped and she turned to her mother. The woman had greying brown hair and wrinkles along her prostitute face. She looked at the bottle that Blair was reaching for then looked at Blair, she looked the girl up and down then spotted the bruise that began to show on her leg making Blair chew her lip "you was always a cry baby..." Her mother muttered and walked over. Blair's body tensed getting ready for the older woman to hit her but instead she snatched the bottle away and stumbled back out of the kitchen, leaving Blair alone with the bear.

Blair sighed and slowly put the baby bottle back and left the room, forgetting the stuffed animal as she followed her mother upstairs not wanting to get in trouble for 1. Being up late and 2. Trying to steal her mothers vodka. Entering her room, Blair looked over at the book and pen that still laid abandon on her bed before she walked over to the book and pen and picked them up Lucas X Blair written all over the book with hearts and small stick men drawings. She huffed and went to throw it out the window but stopped herself and smiled slowly. She closed the book and put the kid back onto her pen before walking to her chest of drawers and placed them down carefully. She looked up at the girl who stared back at her and they both smiled at each other like twins planning something evil. She then picked up the book next to the one she placed down, a bookmark hanging out, she walked back to her bed and placed the book down onto the soft covers, humming ring-a-ring-a-Rosie's. She slipped her top and shorts off, now standing in just her bra and panties and starred at the bruised thin body with a sigh before slipping her bra off and quickly covered her small curved chest with a white night gown. The thought of her bear still sat down slipped her mind as she climbed into her bed and turned the light off that lit up Blair's room. She smiled and stared at the wall across from her before her eyes finally shut and she fell into slumber.

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