Chapter 2

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The next day...

Blair woke up with a loud beep, she sighed and looked at her alarm before stopping it and threw the covers off her body before standing. With a soft sigh, she shuffled to the bathroom, rubbing at her eyes tiredly to get rid of her tiredness. She sighed and pushed the mess of brown hair out of her face as she washed her face with some water from the taps of the sink. Looking up at the mirror, she starred at her reflection before frowning a little and touched the glass "Cry Baby... Cry Baby" she said softly then moved her hand away and smashed her fist into the mirror with a psychotic laughter as she threw her head back "CRY BABY CRY BABY!" She then stopped and looked at her hand "oh..." She pulled small pieces of glass out of her bloody fist and shrugged it off like nothing happened and went back into her bedroom. Getting a pink dress out as she hummed to herself and placed it on the bed, she turned back and got a pair of panties and a bra out also and then placed them down with the dress before stripping out of her night gown and throwing it aside. She sighed softly and slipped her fresh underwear and bra on before slipping the dress on over her body and went to her chest of drawers again. She got a bandage out wrapping it around her hand, then sat down and began to pat makeup onto her face humming to herself. She froze to hear footsteps walk past her room before they stopped and she went back to what she was doing, the door threw open and there stood the hungover figure of her mum which was still tipsy. She stared at her daughter for a while and Blair pretended she wasn't there.

"He won't love you for that" her mother laughed and Blair sighed, placing her brush down.

"Mama you always do this to impress papa but he don't stay, so why would I do this to impress Lucas if he won't stay?" Blair asked and turned to her mother although they both knew that she was doing this to impress Lucas, she always did.

Her mother laughed and pointed a bony finger at her "you know it's not too late... To get... Plastic surgery" her mother laughed more at Blair's shocked face. Blair huffed and turned her back to the woman as she began to brush her hair.

"Mama I will not get plastic surgery, it'll ruin my face..." She smiled "and Lucas wouldn't want to be with me" she told the woman who soon stopped laughing.

"He'll never like a cry baby like you!" Her mother snapped and tears burned in Blair's eyes.

"I'm not a cry baby!" Blair shouted and faced her tipsy mother "NOW GET OUT SO I CAN GO TO SCHOOL" she said in anger and sadness, maybe her mother was right, maybe she is a cry baby... Blair shook the thought off an starred coldly at her mother who starred back then smirked.

"Fine, whatever..." Her mother said and stumbled away, Blair's eyes followed her and watched her leave before Blair finished brushing her hair then stood and got her stuff, slipping on a pair of pink dolly shoes. She walked downstairs, not bothering to say goodbye to her mother and left, slamming the door behind her.

• Gonna try something new •

• The Mother's POV •

The woman watched her daughter from the window, she watched the girl walk calmly down the street with her head high like she had no care in the world "Cry Baby... Cry Baby... Cry Baby..." She whispered over and over again before her head whipped to the side causing whiplash as the door was banged on.

Moving towards the door, she began to hum to herself as she opened the door to see the father of her daughter "You are not welcomed here..."

"Oh shut up" he snarled and barged past, causing her to bang into the wall with fright "Where's my daughter?!" He snapped.

"She went to school..." She replied, rubbing her hands together nervously. He let out a low growl and faced her.

"I want to see her" he snapped again and soon his hand connected with her cheek. She gasped and opened the door.

"OUT JUST GET OUT" She snapped and he scowled before obeying, he stormed out and she slammed the door, locking it she listened to his car start before he speeded off, she sighed and stepped away from the door "you'll never see my Cry Baby" She whispered to herself before shuffling her slippers across the floor into the kitchen. She picked up a vodka bottle before shuffling back into the living room and turned the TV on. She flopped down onto the sofa, taking long sips from her drink. She flicked through the channels till it got to the news.

"Man crashed his car" she smiled to realised it was her husband.

"Dumbass" she giggled and took another sip of her drink.

Hey guys sorry this chapter was short, chapter 3 will be longer I promise ^_^

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