chapter 1: dear readers

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Dear reader,

I'm not going to tell you everything you read here is true, but just because I'm telling you this does not mean it is not true. like everything in life, there are facts, and then there are falsified facts. as the reader it is your job to decide which is which. if you want you could just throw this away with your leftover scraps from lunch, but let me warn you. the power will find you, and this power is not to be messed around with. it corrupts the mind and fills it with your deepest darkest fears. i made the mistake of abusing the power and now I pay for them. I will tell you my tale as a warning. open your eyes to the mistakes i made and how you can avoid them. each chosen one must follow his or her own path. hopefully by allowing you to walk on mine yours will be straighter. i'm allowing you to skip the pain and confusion please heed this warning and never mess with the power of Aliviva. 

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