Where's Noah?

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"Trent you douchebag let me go!" I stared struggling again.

I finally got free out of his grip, but he wouldn't let me go to the car.

"Trent please I need to get Noah home." I begged while giving him my famous puppy dog eyes.

"Why do you need to get Noah home? Is he alright?" Trent asks faster than you can say what.

"He won't be if I don't get him home." I said trying to walk away.

"Let me help you find Noah... please Teph let me help." He begged.

"Okay but just please help me find my brother before something bad happens to him." I stressed.

I started running around the parking lot trying to find him, but he was nowhere to be found. You could hear Trent running around yelling Noah like I was. About 25 minutes later I met back up with Trent to see if he found anything or anybody that knew where Noah is.

"Did you find him?" I asked Trent while trying to catch my breath.

"No I was hoping you found him." was his reply.

I running my fingers through my hair. One of the signs to tell people I'm really worried or stressed. I didn't say anything to Trent as I ran inside the school yelling for Noah. Finally after around ten minutes of doing that, I heard a groan.

"Trent did you hear that?" I whispered behind me.

"No I don't know what you are talking about." he whispered back.

We started walking again, but then I heard another groan and it sounded like they were trying to say a name. I walked closer to where I thought the groan came from, and I finally heard what they were saying. They were saying my name? I looked at Trent confused.

"Why are they groaning your name?" he asks

"I don't know lets go see."

We started walking to the groan again.

"Okay Trent the groan is coming on the other side of this corner. Are you ready?"


"Okay lets go then."

I turned the corner as fast as I could, but what I saw wasn't something I wanted to see again.

"NOAH!" I screamed while running up to him and kneeling beside is head. Trent right on my heels.

"Stephanie..." Noah began. "Help me."

"It's okay Noah we will get you some help, come on." I promised. I sat him up.

"What's wrong?" Trent asked him.

"Some asshole came by, kicked me in the leg, and I think its broken." Noah said so fast you could barely understand him.

"Do you know who it was?" Trent asks looking murderous.

"Yeah." is all Noah says.

"Are you going to say who it is so I can have a word with them?" Trent asks him yet another question.

"No because you need to help Stephanie get me to the hospital."

"Oh shit right sorry!" Trent apologizes.

Trent and I go up to Noah's shoulders and lift him up. One of his arms are around my shoulder and the other is around Trent's. We move slowly to the car and get Noah in the Passenger seat. I get in the driver seat and wait for Trent to get in the back.

"Are you coming or what?" I asked him.

"Your allowing me to go?"

"Yes you need to help me get Noah in the hospital and then we need to talk."

After I said that last part he hopped right in and told me to hurry up and drive. What would normally be a 40 minute drive, was a 10 minute drive since it was an emergency. Trent and I got out and went to go get Noah from the other side of the car.

"Come on Noah we have to get you in the hospital." I tell him.

" Okay but please hurry I feel like I'm dying." He said while trying to give us a smile.

"Just come one Noah."

We somehow got him up the steps and into the hospital where i started causing a ruckus trying to get people to help Noah. Finally someone came and got him. I tried to walk in there with him, but the nurse didn't let me.

"You cant go back there, you need to wait out here until the doctor comes and tells you you can come back." the nurse scolds me.

We sat in the uncomfortable chairs for a few minutes in total silence until Trent decided it was time to talk.

"Stephanie I know what I did wrong and I regret that. I don't hate you I couldn't never hate you."

"If you realized what you did wrong then why did you do it?"

"I wanted to keep my girlfriend, and you know when boyfriends aren't on their girlfriends side they end up breaking up."

"I know that but you promised me you would always stick up for me and never replace me with one of your girlfriends, but you lied." I told him.

"I know but if you forgive me I will never do that again, I promise." Trent says.

"How can I believe your going to keep this promise?" I asked him with tears in my eyes.

"Because Teph I..." He gout cut off from the doctor walking out the doors that I couldn't go in, and calling my brothers name.

"Anyone here for a Noah Mitchel?" the doctor asks.

I stood up along with Trent. "We are." we both say at the same time.

"You have to be a family member so I'm sorry neither of you can come back." The doctor says apologetically.

"Um Dr. Moore, I'm his sister and this is our cousin."

"Oh well come one back."

He led us back there while telling us what happened with his leg.

"It is indeed broken, and I have to tell you guys something really important. Noah has a very rare sickness."

"What is the sickness?" I ask him getting chocked up.

"There is no technical term for it, but its where he needs to be quarantined for a little bit so we can make sure its not deadly."

"Umm okay thank you Doctor." I say trying desperately not to cry.

"Go ahead and head home I will call you when we find something out." Dr. Moore says.

"Okay thank you."

"Just be careful going home I heard it was going to start raining." The doctor tells us.

Trent and I head out. We get in the car, start driving, and that's when the tears come. He hugs me and tries to get me to calm down.

"Stephanie he will be okay I promise." Trent says.

We hear beeps, and screams. That's when everything goes black.


So this chapter is longer like I promised. What do you think will happen to Noah? Will he be okay?... Sorry for any spelling errors in this chapter if there were any. Hope you enjoyed this chapter there will be more to come. :)

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