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"Hello there!" Greets a large man with a powerful Scottish accent and large beard. "Welcome to Gardania! We understand that you might have came here for a fresh start...but don't worry, this place is perfect for people like you! I just need you to fill in an application so that we can classify you as a citizen of Gardania."

The man hands you a slit of paper and an inkpen.

Class- {{ mage, warrior, thief or you can just make one up :) }}
Species-{{Hybrid, elemental, animal, human, dwarf, elf and others i cant think of😅 you may make one up}}
Powers- {{optional}}
Looks-{{be descriptive or leave link to a picture}}
Gear- {{clothes, weapons etc}}
Personality-{{a short paragraph of what you're like}}
Other-{{optional, pets, past etc}}

You slide the slip across the table. "Thank you, enjoy your stay!!"

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