Chapter 25- Warn her

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"What do you mean you two are going with each other?!" Sam's eyes widened.

"Well our girlfriends don't really agree with us going with Adrianna and Willow," Dallas shrugged carrying a box across the ballroom floor.

"You can't go with each other!" Samantha freaked.

"Why not?" Jordan asked.

"Because that's not the plan, I already told them you'd go with them," Sam said.

"Well un-tell them," Dallas said.

"Ugh fine," Sam stormed off.

Dallas pulled out her phone, and texted Kennedy:

Phase one is complete


"So you're breaking up with me?!" Ana screamed.

"Yeah you're smothering me, I'm just not feeling you anymore," he shrugged.

"But I love you Jordan," Ana cried. A crowd was starting to form around the two.

"I don't care, it's over Anastasia just leave me ALONE!" He screamed.


"Wait so if they broke up, why can't he go to prom with me?" Willow frowned.

"I don't know but I do know that now you have a chance with him," Sam smirked.

"Um hello, what am I gonna do? Dallas and Kennedy are still together," Adrianna said.

"Ugh...I don't know break them up, it should be easy," Sam shrugged.

Adrianna sighed, knowing that it would everything but easy.

"I'm out," Ana sighed.

"What do you mean you're out?" Jordan asked.

"If those bitches want you two, they're going to have to work for it honestly, I'm not just going to hand you over," Ana scoffed as she sat on Kennedy's bed.

"She's got a point," Dallas said.

"Ok, so new plan." She thought for a minute." two go to prom together and we drop a bomb on them every chance we get," Kennedy sighed.

"There's a problem though, Sam has something up her sleeve and I don't think it's something simple either, she was really mad when we told her we weren't going with them anymore," Dallas said laying back on her girlfriend's bed.

"I'm not scared of them, Sam is just mad because she fell for you and you played her, she'll just have to get over it, I want to see what they have up their sleeve, we can fuck with them in a different way," Kennedy said.

"Yeah like crank up the PDA, Adrianna really likes Dallas, like the real Dallas, not the badass Dallas the nerdy one, so it'll crush her easily, there's no need to expose her hoeness, even though she fucked Maurice at the basketball game a while ago." Jordan shrugged.

"Oh I knew it! He was way too happy the next day," Dallas chuckled, "But if we hurt her feelings, she'll back off. And the 'real nerdy' Dallas is a badass."

"And the other one?" Ana asked.

"Not a problem, Willow's a flirt, that's it, she's just going with the flow most likely." Jordan confirmed.

"And Samantha?" Kennedy asked.

"I'll handle Sam" Dallas said.

"Like hell you will," Kennedy scoffed.

"No seriously, let me handle this," Dallas said. "Oh Ana good acting earlier by the way."

"Oh why thank you," she cheesed, dapping her fake tears away.


"Ok Shaw, I'm here, what do you want?" Sam asked as she sat across from Dallas in a booth at Moe's.

"I want to apologize for hurting you," Dallas said.

"You...want to apologize?" Sam asked, "3 months later?"

"Yeah, I mean I know it's long overdue but after working with you for these past couple of days, I've realized that you didn't deserve what I did to you," Dallas said.

"Dallas...I don't, I uh don't know what to say," she said suddenly feeling guilty.

"How about you say you forgive me, let me buy you a milkshake and a sugar cookie then we agree on being friends," Dallas smiled.

"Fine...I forgive you," Samantha smiled back.

"Great," Dallas grinned.


Kennedy was leaving out of her Student Council meeting late, she walked to her locker to put some papers in.

"Funny seeing you here," Adrianna stated.

Kennedy turned around and looked at Adrianna and Willow, "Well considering that this school and I'm here 5 out of 7 days a week, I'd say it's pretty normal."

"I have a proposition for you Kennedy," Adrianna stated.

"And What's that Adrianna." Kennedy asked crossing her hands, giving a fake smile.

"I want go to prom with Dallas, you're going to convince her to go with me," Adrianna said.

"And if I don't?" Kennedy questioned, quirking up her eyebrow. This bitch is insane! She thought.

Adrianna snapped her fingers twice, Lexa walked up, "I'll get my friend here to persuade you."

"Adrianna Dallas is my girlfriend, just get over it already." Kennedy sighed.

"Oh sweetie you're so cute...You thought there was an option?" Adrianna chuckled, "Warn her Lex."

Kennedy's eyes widened when she saw Lexa raise her fist, she screamed when the fist came in contact with her face.

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